Climate Change

In the post-Paris agreement era, accelerating climate action is the biggest hope to ensure a safe future for all. In India, our work focuses on climate modelling to develop a better understanding of climate variability at regional scales. We study the risks and vulnerabilities of key sectors such as water, health, agriculture and industry. Our work in climate science is inextricably linked to policy research and recommendations for the Indian government to shape its domestic policies, as well as contribute to its position in global negotiations. Through a number of initiatives, we are beginning to extend our knowledge and research in climate science and policy to other emerging economies.



  • Financing


    Financing Low Carbon Transition in India's MSME Sector

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    HFCs – Enabling efficient refrigerant transitions

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  • climate change video


    A primer on climate change, its impacts, actions and assessments

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  • climate

    Policy Brief

    Mobile Air Conditioning (MAC): A technology landscape, challenges and opportunities for sustainable cooling

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  • Adaptation future


    Locked houses, Fallow lands: Climate Change and Migration in Uttarakhand, India

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WSDS2024: Launch of MTCoE’s Daylight Plugin Tool at the thematic session "Advancing Sustainable Building Practices: Role of Laboratories and State-of-the-art Infrastructure to Enhance Energy Efficiency & Thermal Comfort."

Ms Shiren Pandita

The session was conducted as a part of the World Sustainable Development Summit 2024, the only leading sustainable development summit in the Global South. Held on February 8th, 2024, at the India Habitat Centre, it focused on exploring the potential of smart technologies and data analytics in managing energy and optimizing building performance, emphasizing the significance of human-centric design for improving occupant comfort.

Heat Waves and Action Plans: How Does India Fare?

While preparedness, alerts and warnings, and other measures of heat action plans have vastly reduced the impact of heat waves, the duration and frequency of climate-induced heat waves are on the rise. Jency Samuel says that as heat waves impact people’s health and livelihood, and the nation’s economy adversely, there is a need to improve and better implement the heat action plans.

Urban Flood Analysis and Early Warning Solution for Disaster Resilience

Mr Prasoon Singh


The objective of this work is to present the experimental findings of an urban flood early warning system developed by combining a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model (WRF) forecast with a distributed hydrologic modeling system. Hydrodynamic models have been used in the simulation of intricate and interrelated dynamic systems, such as urban watersheds and urban water infrastructure. The use of these models in assessing flood hazard, vulnerability, and risk is well-established.

Dr Vibha Dhawan meets heads of governments of Japan and Guyana

Director General brings focus on TERI’s multiple initiatives during visits to Japan, Guyana and the United States

TERI director general Dr Vibha Dhawan met heads of government of Japan and Guyana, and the Indian Ambassador to the United States of America (USA) in the month of October.

Brahmapuram Landfill Fire: Points towards the Need for Decentralized Waste Management

In this article, Sharada Balasubramanian highlights that a series of flames have been breaking out, year after year, at the Brahmapuram landfill in Kerala. Yet, it was not taken seriously. This year, the massive uncontrollable fire breakout urged the Kochi Corporation to take serious steps to resolve this issue as it impacted the health of people and the environment. Brahmapuram is the only landfill that is a bone of contention in Kerala, where solid waste management, otherwise is decentralized and systematic.

Mainstreaming Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Infrastructure For Long Lasting Impacts

Ms Manisha Jain

In this article, Manisha Jain and Dr Kriti Akansha highlight that it is necessary to support long-term thinking, transformation, flexibility and innovation while taking the associated climate risks into consideration to attain climate resilience. There is a need for a robust framework that ensures climate policies are integrated into all sectors and that planning, implementation, and evaluation are strictly followed.



October 22, 2024
to October 23, 2024


Experiential Learning Session for Sustainability Professionals from Corporates

August 31, 2024
to August 31, 2024

The One-day Experiential Learning Session was organized by TERI CBS in partnership with Jamshedpur Management Association as part of the Training Program on ‘Operationalizing and Accelerating Sustainability Imperatives and Actions among Businesses in India’ for sustainability professionals that aimed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacities of sustainability function-oriented management professionals in order to assist them become sustainability champions and drive long-lasting, sustainable change within and beyond their organization.

Twenty-Third Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture

August 29, 2024
to August 29, 2024

The 23rd Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture will be delivered on August 29, 2024, 3:30 pm (IST) onwards at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

Tata Projects delegation visit at TERI Gwal Pahari Campus

August 9, 2024
to August 9, 2024

On August 9, 2024, TERI welcomed Tata Projects’ delegation to its Gwal Pahari Campus for a comprehensive overview of TERI’s research work and sustainable practices. The visit aimed to align with Tata Projects’ sustainability goals and Tata Group’s Aalingana initiative, which is the north star of Tata Group’s sustainability journey.

Coal Dependence: Lives in an Extractive Economy Photo Exhibition

July 25, 2024
to July 25, 2024

The photo exhibition "Coal Dependence: Lives in an Extractive Economy", curated as a part of the "Just Transition: Understanding and the Implications of Moving Away from Coal" project supported by the MacArthur Foundation, was held in the Seminar Hall, Ground Floor, TERI, India Habitat Centre from July 25th to July 26th 2024. The exhibition intended to illuminate the lives of communities that are intricately connected to the coal economy, which is at the heart of the just energy transition debate.


G20 Or COP29, West Will Keep Choosing Politics Over Climate

September 10, 2024
| Mr Manjeev Singh Puri
| NDTV World

The stress on their economies and energy security resulting from the Ukraine-Russia conflict are the articulated reasons for the European pullback on climate. But their thrust joins the US in the shirking of historical and capacity responsibilities and trying to shift the burden for climate action onto large developing countries, says Mr Manjeev Puri, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

"India must embrace an exponential mindset to lead in global innovation," says Dr RA Mashelkar

August 30, 2024 |
August 30, 2024
Krishak Jagat

India has the potential to emerge as a global leader in innovation, but it requires an exponential mindset—one that is bold, transformative, and inclusive,” said Dr RA Mashelkar, former Director General of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), delivering the 23rd Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) on 29 August 2024.

Government to revise 2019 Climate Action Plan

August 22, 2024 |
August 22, 2024
The Tribune

Environment Minister Mr Gopal Rai on 21 August 2024 chaired a roundtable conference to address the climate crisis in the Capital, focusing on seven critical sectors-electricity, water, waste, green cover, transport, health and agriculture. Over 40 departments, experts and officials participated in the meeting, aimed at overhauling the existing 2019 climate policy, underscoring the urgent need for action as the city grapples with unprecedented heatwaves and record rainfall.

Govt ups ante, revised climate action plan will concentrate on seven critical sectors

August 21, 2024 |
August 21, 2024
The Times of India

A state-level action plan to address climate change will concentrate on seven critical sectors: energy and power, urban planning, water, forest and biodiversity, transport, agriculture and horticulture, and health.

Empowering Youth as catalysts for Climate Action: 5th edition of Youth Climate Conclave (YCC) launched on International Youth Day

August 16, 2024 |
August 16, 2024
Krishak Jagat

Marking International Youth Day, the 5th edition of the Youth Climate Conclave (YCC) was launched on Monday (12th August 2024), with enthusiastic participation from the young innovators across India, united in their mission to develop creative solutions to combat climate change. The virtual event was organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) under the EU-India Clean Energy and Climate Partnership (CECP) project, supported by the European Union and managed by the Delegation of the European Union to India, with knowledge support from MoEFCC, GIZ, CEEW, and Climate Fresk.

India's Global Climate Leadership

August 13, 2024
| Mr Manjeev Puri and Ms Ishita Srivastava
| Sada Elbalad

India through its ambitious policies, successful renewable energy growth trajectory, along with effective achievement of international commitments has strongly demonstrated climate leadership at the global level, says Mr Manjeev Puri, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI and Ms Ishita Srivastava, Research Associate, Sustainable Development and Outreach Division, TERI.


Green Public Procurement for Advancing Sustainable Development in India: Policy Nudges for Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production

August 9, 2024

Green Public Procurement (GPP), a sub-component of sustainable public procurement, seeks to achieve environmental sustainability by leveraging the government sector’s purchasing power. GPP can be defined as the deliberate and systematic integration of environmental objectives into the procurement process of goods, services, and works by public agencies. This policy brief employs a case study-based approach to identify strategies for promoting GPP in India.

Accelerating the Growth of Green Bonds in India

February 8, 2024

India's enormous financial requirements to address climate change and ensure just transitioning for its economy cannot be met by the lone public sector and would require catalyzing private finance and institutional investment into climate initiatives. Green bonds offer an emerging financial instrument that holds the potential to attract private investors into climate action. However, unlike the exponential growth of green bonds in the global market, they still occupy only a scanty share of the Indian bonds market.

Advancing Environmental and Climate Goals Through a Multidimensional Model of Green Budgeting

December 4, 2023

While environmental regulation is the principal responsibility of environmental ministries, their locus standi in terms of implementation is limited as much of the implementation lies with other line ministries/departments and public agencies. Hence, it is essential that ‘environment’ is mainstreamed across ministries, departments, and sectors.

Internationalizing Lifestyles For Sustainable Development

December 2, 2023

Mainstream frameworks on sustainable consumption and production fail to holistically capture downstream segments of resource consumption and production systems, especially regarding lifestyle choices, including its links to upstream and midstream components.

Just Energy Transition Partnerships, Climate Action, and Minilateralism

November 24, 2023

Transitioning towards clean energy and renewable sources is a significant measure to restrict Greenhouse Gas emissions and meet the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement. Upcoming minilateral mechanisms, especially partnerships such as JETPs, despite setting ambitious targets have little to offer on recognizing the specific needs of the Global South to support sustainable energy transitions.


Climate change risk assessment

We generate climate projections at global and regional scales and impacts, vulnerability and adaptation assessments in key sectors using established models and our in-house super-computing facility. We also conducts GHG inventorization and mitigation analysis. We provide national and international policy analysis and review, and contribute to key issues in negotiations encompassing adaptation, mitigation, technology, and finance.


Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change
Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change
Distinguished Fellow and Programme Director, Resource Efficiency & Governance
Director, Earth Science and Climate Change
Associate Director, Earth Science and Climate Change
Area Convenor, Center for Climate Change Research
Associate Fellow and Area Convenor, Centre for Climate Modelling