
Firewood Consumption and Forest Degradation in Himalayan states: A Review of Research Gaps

| May 4, 2021

The usage and dependence on firewood is more prominent in the Indian Himalayan region due to the additional requirements of room and water heating throughout the year

Road to contain climate change

| May 3, 2021

Roads and railways bind a nation and bring people together. They facilitate the achievement of SDGs, as without adequate mobility, SDGs cannot be achieved and sustained.

Influence of Electricity Access on Gender: Evidences from Nepal

Research Paper
| May 3, 2021

Access to modern energy has been found to especially benefit rural women, in terms of reducing their drudgery and increasing their efficiency of time use. This paper draws from the findings of a primary household survey and qualitative study in Nepal in order to analyse how access to modern energy affects gendered aspects of health, education, income generation, and decision-making. It was found that a higher percentage of children (boys and girls) from households with electricity access were enrolled in schools and spent more hours studying.

Refurbishing Plastic for Climate Action: The First Steps

| April 13, 2021

In view of the growing plastic waste crisis and India's commitment to lower the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33-35% by 2030, the article discusses TERI's roadmap for bringing resource efficiency and circularity to the plastic value chain in India

Restore Our Earth: Not a Luxury But a Necessity

| April 13, 2021

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. In this article, Arpita Dasgupta points out that the COVID-19 pandemic is, in fact, a red flag pointing to an imbalance in our natural systems. It is a sign of a planet in disharmony. So, there is only one way forward—restoring what is lost to bring back a sense of equilibrium. This is the reason why the theme for Earth Day 2021 is 'Restore Our Earth'. She also stresses that environmental and climate literacy is the foundation for an equitable and sustainable society.

हवा से पानी बनाने की मशीन - बुझा सकती है गाँव की प्यास

| April 9, 2021

देश में पानी की कमी को हल करने के लिए जल संरक्षण की पारंपरिक समझ को आधुनिक तकनीकी विकास और क्षमता के साथ मिलाने की ज़रूरत है। ‘एयर टू वाटर’ तकनीक दूरदराज और साथ ही दूषित पानी की समस्या झेल रहे क्षेत्रों के लिए पानी की आपूर्ति के अवसर देती है।

पानी की बचत और संरक्षण की दिशा में चार अहम कदम

| April 7, 2021

जल संरक्षण के प्रयास या वर्षा जल संचयन के प्रयास स्थानीय स्तर पर होने चाहिए और स्थानीय प्रयासों के बिना जल संरक्षण के प्रयास व्यापक अभियान का रूप नहीं ले सकेंगें पानी के पुनर्चक्रण और पुन: उपयोग को अपनाया जाना चाहिए। ट्रीटमेंट के तरीकों में प्राकृतिक उपचार प्रणाली को शामिल किया जाना चाहिए गैर सरकारी संगठनों, स्थानीय निकायों और व्यक्तियों को स्थानीय पंचायतों के साथ गहनता से जल संरक्षण के काम में शामिल किया जाना चाहिए जल प्रबंधकों और नीति निर्माताओं को जल प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण दिया जाना

Air Pollution in India: Major Issues and Challenges

| April 5, 2021

This article foregrounds the challenges India is currently facing in reducing air pollution and bringing the level of air quality to a certain standard. It also discusses solutions that could be adopted to combat the national crisis.

A method of wet algal lipid recovery for biofuel production

Research Paper
| March 26, 2021

Drying of algae is resource-intensive (land, energy) for biofuel production. A method to recover lipids from wet algae has been developed at lab scale. The method is based on introduction of polar solvent first into wet algae to replace the water inside the cells, followed by gradual introduction of non-polar solvent to replace the polar solvent and thus extract lipids.

Contextualising Blue Economy in Asia-Pacific region

Policy brief
| March 22, 2021

The share of Blue Economy in the GDP of Asia-Pacific countries goes up to as high as 87% in some island nations in the region