
Endophytic Fungi - An Untapped Source of Potential Antioxidants

Research Paper
| June 4, 2021

Antioxidants are the substances that interact inside and outside of a biological system against the damaging effects of highly reactive free radicals produced during metabolism. Among various natural alternative sources of bioactive metabolites, endophytic fungi ave emerged as a significant reservoir of potent antioxidant compounds. These scantly explored micro-organisms are prolific producers of novel compounds and have the capability to produce metabolites that are exclusively isolated from Plantae.

Development of thematic working groups, low-carbon transition and climate finance: A glimpse into the first high-level meeting

| June 3, 2021

The first high-level meeting of India-EU Track II dialogue saw discussions around possible areas of collaboration towards a low-carbon transition and a way to mobilise climate finance for enabling this transition across energy, industry and transport sectors.

We never imagined that coal will disappear one day!

| May 24, 2021

The article explores the various dimensions that inform a just transition and the complexities involved in moving away from coal through a case study of Betul which has seen a spate of coal mine closures, due to mineral exhaustion

COVID-19: a wake-up call to protect planetary health

Research Paper
| May 21, 2021

Set from the perspective of planetary health, the objective of this chapter is to examine the trends set in motion by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), attempting to discuss the long-term environmental and humanitarian implications. The emergence of zoonotic diseases has underscored that risk-based interventions need to be designed from the perspective of planetary health. The pandemic response must account for its implications on humans and the planet.

Lessons from the Pandemic – Accelerating Preparedness for Climate Change in India

| May 20, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic could be seen as a forewarning of the other under-addressed global disasters which looming on the horizon, particularly those brought on by climate change. The onset of climate change impacts along with the climate-related natural disasters are an even bigger threat to public welfare and health than the ongoing pandemic.

Refurbishing Plastic for Climate Action: Finding Value in 'Waste'

| May 18, 2021

Plastic waste often possesses significant untapped value which when regenerated through circular economy principles can help minimise its environmental impact. This second article in series discusses the key objectives and actions offered by TERI's roadmap to show the environmental action value of plastics

Vulnerability of Child Health to Climate Related Agricultural Productivity Threat in India

Research Paper
| May 17, 2021

India faces the burden of under-nutrition, especially among children under five years of age. The gap in nutritional needs and intake, point to the inadequacies in the food and nutrition security of India. This study examines data at the district level to identify vulnerable populations across the geographical expanse of the country. In order to identify districts appropriate for improving the food and nutrition security, a statistical approach was developed to prioritize areas for public health interventions.

Rajaji National Park: A Biodiversity-rich Landscape in the Lap of River Ganga

| May 12, 2021

Rajaji National Park is a magnificent ecosystem nestled in the Shivalik range and the beginning of the vast Indo-Gangetic Plains, representing rich floral and faunal diversity. The Park constitutes an important repository of the wild fauna and the last refuge of a number of threatened animal species in the lesser Himalayan zone and upper Gangetic plains. Considering the abundance of nature's bounties heaped in and around the Park, the area attracts a large number of wildlife conservationists, nature lovers, and eco-tourists.

Potential of India-EU Cooperation on Climate and Development

| May 8, 2021

India and the European Union (EU) are key players in the field of international climate diplomacy. This briefing note on the India-EU Track II dialogue details a range of areas for potential cooperation between India and EU to further goals of climate action and sustainable development.

Energising change: Clean cooking and the changing social position of women

Research Paper
| May 5, 2021

The development community clearly recognises the urgency of switching to clean cooking solutions while also creating just energy systems by gainfully involving women as entrepreneurs in the clean cooking value chain.