
Overview of the Indian Building Sector Analysis of its energy saving potential and pre-identification of large-scale Energy Efficiency Programs

January 15, 2012 to October 6, 2012
| Completed Project

The objective of this assignment is to compile all the data available related to the Indian building sector that will contribute towards providing a rough and critical estimation of the energy balance for the whole building sector and its sub-sectors.

Identification of win-win adaptation options through adaptation metrices and integrated adaptation decision making frameworks

January 11, 2012 to April 4, 2012
| Completed Project

The current status of climate change adaptation is characterized by ad-hoc decision-making mechanisms without a means to measure the progress in adaptive capacity of people and systems udner question.

Training programme on entrepreneurship development for production of superior quality planting materials using in vitro technology in North-east

December 28, 2011 to June 25, 2012
| Completed Project

The overall objective of the proposed training programme is to enhance the technical capability of the officials/researchers working in the area of plant tissue culture in north-east so that the need of superior quality planting material could be met within the region. However, the specific objectives of the proposed training programme would be as follows:

Waste Management Strategy for Garraf Oil E&P Facility

December 26, 2011 to July 22, 2013
| Completed Project

TERI has been hired by HMR Consultants Muscat Pvt. Ltd. for the purpose of helping Petronas Malaysia in the area of waste management. Petronas is developing the Garraf Oil Field, and TERI has been asked to develop a waste management strategy for the waste generated during the Exploration and Production (E&P) activities to be carried out by Petronas.

Assessment of Environmental Pollution Control System at Nitta Gelatin India Limited, Koratty, Kerala

December 18, 2011 to August 2, 2012
| Completed Project

The main objectives of this project are to: Conduct a detailed assessment of the current performances of the Environmental Pollution Control system and processes (including air, water and solid waste). Understand perceptions of the local communities on the pollution generated by the plant.

Proceedings of regional conference and exhibition: innovations in green buildings- the GRIHA approach

November 24, 2011 to November 26, 2011
| Completed Project

Regional Green Building Conference and Exhibition, "Innovations in Green Buildings - The GRIHA Approach" 25th Nov,2011 Venue: Hotel Royal Orchid

Preparation of Toolkits under Sustainable Urban Transport Project of Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India

November 15, 2011 to November 16, 2012
| Completed Project

The Government of India (GoI) has initiated the Sustainable Urban Transport Project (SUTP) with the support from Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP and the World Bank.

Training Workshop on Advances in Biotechnology

November 14, 2011 to March 16, 2012
| Completed Project

The aim of this training course is to provide the participants with training in theoretical concepts and experimental protocols in the area of Biotechnology. This training course will also provide an overview of the application of tissue culture in the field of forestry, horticulture, floriculture and medicinal & aromatic plants.

Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform in India: Cash transfers for PDS kerosene and domestic LPG

November 7, 2011 to April 13, 2012
| Completed Project

The objective of this assignment is to research and prepare an easy-to-read Citizens' Guide outlining the nature, costs and benefits of fossil-fuel subsidies in India.

India's Green Economy: Road map to an inclusive and equitable growth

November 1, 2011 to September 10, 2012
| Completed Project

India has experienced high rates of economic growth in the post reform era. However, a major weakness in India's growth story is that it has not been sufficiently inclusive for many groups. The concept of green economy emphasizes on improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities (UNEP 2011).