
Sensitization on water pollution and conservation

April 7, 2005 to May 25, 2006
| Completed Project

The project aims to sensitize and educate students on issues related to water resource management. The target group identified will be school children from public and government schools, teachers, and associated communities. The project is being introduced in 30 schools from south and east Delhi.

Taxonomy capacity building project

April 1, 2005 to February 28, 2007
| Completed Project

to be given by PI

Field trial of paraffin degrading bacterial consortium in selected wells

April 1, 2005 to December 17, 2006
| Completed Project

The objective of the project is to test the effectiveness of developed paraffin degrading bacteria in paraffin deposition in oil wells.

Overall impact evaluation of integrated WD Project (HILL-II)

April 1, 2005 to September 7, 2005
| Completed Project

Addressing vulnerability to climate variability and change through assessment of adaptation issues and options

March 21, 2005 to November 30, 2007
| Completed Project

The overall objective is to identify issues and opportunities that enhance the coping capacities of communities in dealing with the current climatic variability and future climate change.

Power sector study for India

March 21, 2005 to August 22, 2005
| Completed Project

Molecular charaterization of elite bamboo germplasm

March 15, 2005 to November 18, 2010
| Completed Project

Bamboo is an important forestry species of India. India harbours the second-largest genetic resource of bamboo with about 23 genera and 136 species. Precious germplasm of bamboo is getting lost due to indiscriminate cutting of clumps. Therefore, conservation of germplasm through ex situ approach is urgently required.

Assessing impacts of tributyltin (TBT) on multiple coastal uses

March 1, 2005 to April 30, 2009
| Completed Project

Antifouling paints are applied on the hulls of the ships and boats to control the growth of foulant organisms and to reduce their deleterious effects such as the slowing of the ship speed,the increasing of fuel consumption, the increasing of maintenance costs, etc. TBT paints replaced copper-based paints due to a superior performance in terms of efficacy and duration.

Energy-Economic-Environment modelling to support climate change assessment and policy-making in India

March 1, 2005 to July 28, 2006
| Completed Project

The objectives of the study are to (1) determine the options and costs of controlling emission of GHGs (greenhouse gases) in the energy sector, (2) determine the set of policies and strategies that would steer the energy sector and the economy at large towards optimal use of energy resources.