
Noxious air sinks life expectancy by 10 yrs, yet action plans remain a wish-list

22 Oct 2022
| Indo Asian News Service

As per the recent data from Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), 95 of the 132 non-attainment cities covered under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) have seen an overall improvement in PM10 levels in 2021 compared to 2017, said Dr Anju Goel, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

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India suffered income loss of $159 billion in key sectors due to extreme heat in 2021: Report

20 Oct 2022
| The Hindu

Between 2016–2021, extreme events triggered by climate change caused damage to crops in over 36 million hectares and a $3.75 billion loss for farmers in the country. Ms Suruchi Bhadwal, Director for Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI, said the impacts of climate change are already being experienced with an increase in extreme weather events with more and more people and infrastructure affected.

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Spotty policies, Ukraine war darken India's climate change targets

19 Oct 2022
| Business Standard

The Russia-Ukraine conflict will further slow down India's progress in meeting key goals. India has a very good track record in combating climate change compared to other countries, said Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

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Dhapa fumes trigger pain for eyes and lungs

13 Oct 2022
| The Telegraph

Fire at Dhapa landfill in Kolkata is self-sustained by methane supply from biodegradable waste. Methane is formed when biodegradable wastes degrade without contact with air as layers of the new waste pile over them. Once the methane gas is formed, it escapes through any fissure it finds, said Dr Sunil Pandey, Director of Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI.

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COP27: Holistic Approach to Climate Action, Sustainable Development to be Key Areas of Focus

07 Oct 2022
| The Weather Channel

Interacting with researchers at the field station of TERI, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for the UNFCCC, Mr Mahmoud Mohieldin underscored the need to place sustainable development as a core issue in climate action, particularly since it has been sidelined from the climate agenda.

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Time for Action: Sustainability and Beyond - Ideas to Solutions

06 Oct 2022
| The Economic Times

The finale session of The Economic Times Global Sustainability Alliance featured ambassadors from the UK, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Uruguay, along with Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI as they discussed reconciling opportunities and challenges of climate-resilient development.

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Environmental concern over Durga Puja banners made of single-use plastic

29 Sep 2022
| The Telegraph

Many of the banners erected ahead of Durga Puja are made of single-use plastic with little or no demand for recycling. Dr Sunil Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management Division, TERI said that the PVC banners were not easy to recycle and have no or very little recycling value.

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The villagers with no option but to drink toxic water

27 Sep 2022
| The Telegraph

River pollution is plaguing India, and experts warn it is causing a deadly crisis that threatens the country's health and prosperity. The rivers have become "a toxic cocktail that is proving increasingly deadly," said Mr Anshuman, Director for Water Resources at TERI.

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India's 2030 stronger climate targets set momentum

26 Sep 2022
| ET Energyworld

Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI said that we should be focussing on 2030 instead of net-zero in the long run. While net zero is of course part of the discourse now, it needs to be seen from the context of strategic and sectoral decarbonisation policies, which are part of the long-term strategy and India is also moving in that direction.

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Vanuatu Calls for Treaty to End Fossil Fuel Use

23 Sep 2022
| The Wire

The resolution is 'misplaced' and may even deter sustainable development for countries such as India, experts said. Climate justice requires that we ensure equal energy access and energy security to all nations, said Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI. While western countries have already developed enough secure access to alternative energy to make a phase-out successful, poorer nations such as India have not.

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Explainer: Delhi's Air Quality Dips, but Only Weather Conditions to Blame – Yet

22 Sep 2022
| The Week

Dr. Anju Goel, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI said that air pollution in the national capital stems from several sources such as stubble burning, construction, vehicular traffic and thermal power plants. However, meteorological conditions also play a huge role in the levels of these pollutants in the air.

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