
India bats for more investors' confidence in climate adaptation efforts

13 Nov 2022
| Business Standard

At the India Pavilion at COP27, TERI conducted a session on "Adaptation Readiness and Long-Term Strategy on Adaptation in India." Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General of TERI, stated in her opening remarks that when it comes to adaptation, it is vital to look into all sectors, including food production. According to Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, It is important to assess the climate risks and vulnerability very clearly, then enhance the adaptive capacity of communities and states

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Adaptation must be at the forefront of development interventions: Secretary MoEFCC

13 Nov 2022
| Press Information Bureau

At the India Pavilion at COP27, TERI conducted a session on "Adaptation Readiness and Long-Term Strategy on Adaptation in India." Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General of TERI, stated in her opening remarks that when it comes to adaptation, it is vital to look into all sectors, including food production. According to Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, It is important to assess the climate risks and vulnerability very clearly, then enhance the adaptative capacity of communities and states

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Why definition of climate finance remains a major bone of contention at COP27 talks

12 Nov 2022
| The Print

The interest in keeping the definition of climate finance ambiguous maintains the status quo, where a majority of loans can pass off as climate finance, say experts. Mr Dipak Dasgupta, Distinguished Fellow, TERI and former negotiator for India, says, Industrialized countries believe that so long as the source is from a developed country, everything counts. Which means there is no concessionality, additionality, you should only factor in finance flows of that origin, and that's enough, said

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Industry Leaders Moot NDCs for the Sector to achieve Decarbonisation Goals at COP27

12 Nov 2022
| Press Trust of India

Speaking at the event held under the ambit of the Industry Charter for Near Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050, instituted by TERI, a coalition of 50 Indian businesses and corporates, Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, underscored the need for implementing a just transitions scenario in developing countries, which offers a huge opportunity to deploy advanced technologies. 

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India at COP27: In need of investors’ confidence to achieve climate financing goals

11 Nov 2022
| PV Magazine India

Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General of TERI, gave the keynote address at the panel on ‘Building Investor Confidence for Enhancing Climate Finance by Leveraging Global and National Frameworks on Corporate Sustainability Disclosures’ where she emphasized the early stages of ESG that corporates are still working to understand.

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What the COP of implementation failed to achieve

10 Nov 2022
| India Spend

Besides a fund for climate-induced losses in vulnerable countries, the climate conference failed to get commitments for a scale-up of climate financing, to expand the coal phase to other fossil fuels, and stronger action to control the rise in global temperatures. Mr Dipak Dasgupta, distinguished fellow, TERI said that finance was uppermost on everyone's minds and a critical need of the hour, but nothing substantively new emerged. 

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COP27 to make headway on climate finance, loss and damage: TERI

09 Nov 2022
| EPR Magazine

Considering the particularly fraught world in which COP 27 is set to unfold, and the continuing and devastating impacts of extreme weather events felt across the globe, it is imperative that the session at Sharm el-Sheikh engages with and tries to resolve issues related to long-term climate finance and the mechanisms for loss and damage, says Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI.

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Green investments. Climate Financing: India’s stand at COP27

09 Nov 2022
| The Hindu Business Line

Finance will be a dominating theme in the COP27, currently underway at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. At a recent webinar hosted by Climate Trends, a capacity-building company based in Delhi, R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI India and a former representative of India at climate talks, noted that the capital flows to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) have been very little. Only $3–4 billion of GCF's $10–12 billion overall capitalization has come from external sources.

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Delhi's air quality improves on back of winds, rains in Rajasthan, Haryana

09 Nov 2022
| Business Standard

A smoky haze had lowered the visibility levels to 800 metres at these places on 8 November. Southeasterly winds gusting up to 30 kmph barrelled through parts helped improve the situation. According to a study conducted by The Energy and Resources Institute in 2018, vehicular emissions account for around 40 per cent of the PM 2.5 pollution in the capital.

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Hope and opportunity amidst mounting climate crisis

08 Nov 2022
| The Hindu Business Line

This year's COP will be primarily focused on enabling climate finance, and India will push for better financing options and opportunities for G20 nations. Mr R R Rashmi, call for setting a principle of finance. Just like there is a principle for nationally determined contributions, he argued there must also be a principle for contribution, which right now doesn’t exist.

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Climate and Us | COP27: A win for Loss and Damage, but fight for equity remains

07 Nov 2022
| Hindustan Times

While Loss and Damage funding being added to the official agenda is historic, financing mechanisms to ensure powerful outcomes remain elusive. The inclusion of the loss and damage issue as a topic on the COP agenda is welcomed, but Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, notes that this is linked to the outcomes of the CMA, Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, which is different from COP.

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COP27: UN climate summit opens with little hope of success

07 Nov 2022
| The Third Pole

As nations gather for COP27 in Egypt, the failure of rich countries to keep promises – partly due to Russia’s war in Ukraine – has led to scepticism in a year marked by repeated climate disasters in South Asia. In a recent webinar, Mr Dipak Dasgupta, TERI, addressed the question of where this money might come from, stating that the majority of the money will have to come from private sources, but the public money that developed countries promised is crucial as a guarantor of the loans that

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