
Inclusive green growth mediated sustainable development

15 Nov 2012 |
Dr Shailly Kedia
| The Times of India

'Growth-mediated' development models need to incorporate qualitative transformations relevant to global commons such as climate change, biodiversity loss and land degradation, says Shailly Kedia, Associate Fellow, Green Growth and Development, TERI.

Clean Energy Fund headed nowhere

31 Oct 2012 |
| Business Line

National Clean Energy Fund must be used ingeniously to provide a much-needed impetus to development, incubation, and demonstration of emerging renewable/clean energy technologies, says Mr Amit Kumar, Director, Renewable Energy and Technology Application, TERI.

Urban-rural convergence

17 Oct 2012 |
Dr Divya Sharma
| The Financial Express

We have to view urban and rural areas as complimentary to each other and this should reflect in policies, planning practices and investment decisions, says Dr Divya Sharma, Fellow, Sustainable Habitat Division, TERI.

The need for corporates to actively foster India's sports capabilities

28 Sep 2012 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Economic Times

India's performance in the Olympics is a matter of national pride that requires the involvement of all stakeholders, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director General, TERI.

Can the SDGs achieve what the MDGs could not?

28 Sep 2012 |
Dr Shailly Kedia
| The Times of India

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are discussed in the "The Future We Want" Outcome Document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) or Rio+20 that was held in Rio de Janeiro that year. During the Rio+20 consultative processes, SDGs were introduced in a proposal made by Guatemala, Colombia and Peru with some themes being food security, energy access, renewable energy, oceans, sustainable human settlements and water.

Back to the future

28 Sep 2012 |
Prof S L Rao
| The Financial Express

If India is to grow, our power system must be insulated from politicians and politics, says Prof S L Rao, Distinguished Fellow Emeritus, TERI.

Let's make diesel price hike palatable

26 Sep 2012 |
Ms Anmol Soni
Mr Anomitro Chatterjee
| Financial World

To support the long term move towards deregulating diesel pricing, a clear and well-designed road-map for reforms is needed, says Anmol Soni and Anomitro Chatterjee, Research Associates, TERI.

What you can't replenish, don't finish

23 Sep 2012 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Tribune

The impacts of climate change exacerbate existing environmental and ecological stress, which Punjab and Haryana can hardly afford, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director General, TERI.

Exaggerating reforms

22 Sep 2012 |
Prof S L Rao
| The Financial Express

Recent announcements on diesel, and FDI in retail and aviation were long-overdue and hardly qualify as reforms, says Prof S L Rao, Distinguished Fellow Emeritus, TERI.

Earth: A humble material

20 Sep 2012 |
Mr Amit Tandon
| Architecture

Amit Tandon, Project Officer, ADaRSH, discusses what goes in the construction of resource efficient buildings.