
Access to clean cooking: Is there a business case

27 Oct 2017 |
Mr Amit Kumar

Moving away from subsidy based approach, TERI has demonstrated through its various field level interventions how to blend CSR funding with other sources, including micro financing, to make clean cooking and solar lighting devices affordable to a common, rural user, says Mr Amit Kumar, Senior Director, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI.

Is cheaper clean energy sustainable?

25 Oct 2017 |
| Mr Kumar Deo
| Deccan Herald

Given that the renewable technology is still in evolution stage, further developments and growth in the segment are likely to make clean energy cheaper and thereby further reduce tariff, says Mr Kumar Deo, Research Associate, Integrated Assessments & Modelling Division, TERI.

The Inflection Point in the Energy Story

14 Oct 2017 |
Mr Amit Kumar

Perhaps time has come to start thinking of a new energy order in not too distant a future, with renewable energy as its backbone. This also provides an opportunity for a country like ours where a large portion of energy infrastructure is yet to be built, says Mr Amit Kumar,  Senior Director, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI.

Use of Information and Market based Instruments for enhancing Energy Efficiency in the Indian residential sector

01 Oct 2017 |
Mr Nitish Arora
| Energetica

Tailored information strategies could solve problems of imperfect information in markets by disclosing the unobserved costs of individual consumption decisions to consumers, says Mr Nitish Arora, Research Associate, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI.

The problem with energy efficiency

24 Sep 2017 |
Mr Nitish Arora
Mr Jonathan Donald Syiemlieh
| The Pioneer

India needs a salient mix of fiscal and information-based instrument to target improvements in energy efficiency, say Mr Nitish Arora, Research Associate and Mr Jonathan D Syiemlieh, Associate Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI

A case for continued support for green energy

19 Sep 2017 |
| Mint

Undoubtedly, a good policy framework has to have sunset clauses for incentives but withdrawals must also be nuanced and gradual, says Mr Amit Kumar, Senior Director, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI.

World Ozone Day '17: India reaffirms commitment to climate

16 Sep 2017 |
Mr Karan Mangotra
| NRDC Blog

NRDC, TERI and other partners are working in India to advance strategies that will help keep India cool while protecting its citizens from the impacts of global warming, writes co-author Mr Karan Mangotra, Fellow, Growth, Diversification & Commercialisation, Division, TERI along with Ms Nehmat Kaur, India Consultant and Mr Karan Chouksey, NRDC India Initiative.

Innovation in solar panels, batteries, EVs may not have big impact, but here is what makes them disruptive

12 Sep 2017 |
| The Financial Express

Indian manufacturers of power plant equipment and automobiles need to plan for the scenario in which their domestic and international clients have shifted partially or totally to solar power and electric vehicles, say Dr Umakant Panwar, Director, Centre for Public Policy and Good Governance and Dr Ajay Mathur, Director-General, TERI.

Darkness will be ostracized

04 Sep 2017 |
Mr Martand Shardul

Stand-alone lighting products (tubular battery and dry cell based products) have proved to be a credible disrupter of the market for kerosene wick lamps, says Mr Martand Shardul, Associate Fellow, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI.

After leading green energy revolution, why India must power-up solar waste management

21 Aug 2017 |
Mr Martand Shardul
| The Financial Express

Growing population and a rapidly rising demand for electricity in both rural and urban areas, and across sectors, has put an extreme pressure on the ecology. India's existing rules document E-Waste Management Rules, 2016 is the set of rules referred to in most of the solar power tenders for solar projects in India. However, it does not specifically mention about the issue of management of used components of solar power systems says Mr Martand Shardul, Associate Fellow, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI along with co-author Ms Aashna Agarwal from the Duke University.