
Should India declare a net zero emission target?

30 Mar 2021 |
Mr R R Rashmi
| Hindustan Times

Net zero emission by 2050 is emerging as the latest war cry on the climate front. And the drum beat is getting louder as the Glasgow climate conference draws nearer, writes Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI

Climate Action: Getting back on Paris climate track

24 Mar 2021 |
Ms Neha Pahuja
| Dr Sebastian Helgenberger
| Financial Express

With the formation of the new Apex Committee for Implementation of Paris Agreement (AIPA), India is again strengthening its global leadership role in combating climate change, write Ms Neha Pahuja, Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI & Dr Sebastian Helgenberger, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Germany.

Finding the sync between health and climate change

24 Mar 2021 |
Ms Meena Sehgal
| Dr Dhrubaa Ghosh
| Express Healthcare

Our health system building efforts should go hand-in hand with our fight against climate change, write Dr Dhrubaa Ghosh, Senior Advisor & Lead – Healthcare, Thinkthrough Consulting and Ms Meena Sehgal, Senior Fellow, Environment & Waste Management Division, TERI.

Water — preserving a precious resource

21 Mar 2021 |
Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar
Dr Shresth Tayal
| The Hindu Business Line

A true valuation of water must include the economic as well as the spiritual and ecological dimensions, write says Dr Syamal Kumar Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow and Dr Shresth Tayal, Senior Fellow, Water Resources Division, TERI.

Uttarakhand Glacier Burst: More Tragedies Can Strike Unless Corrective Actions Taken

18 Mar 2021 |
Ms Suruchi Bhadwal
Ms Vani Rijhwani
Ms Aanchal Pruthi
| Mr Nitish Dogra, Faculty at IIHMR Delhi
| News18

Agencies are needed that interpret the information to understand what percentage of power sources, habitations are likely to be affected in case of a flash flood or a flood in a location, write Ms Suruchi Bhadwal, Senior Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI; Mr Nitish Dogra, Faculty at IIHMR Delhi; Ms Vani Rijhwani, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI; Ms Aanchal Pruthi, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI.

India must take bigger strides on road to carbon neutrality

11 Mar 2021 |
Mr Ajay Shankar
| The Pioneer

The advanced industrial economies are set to move towards zero per capita emissions by 2050. India should try to achieve it by 2047, writes Mr Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Texas Snow-storm: Lessons for India

06 Mar 2021 |
Mr Amit Kumar
| BW Smartcities

Millions of residents in the state of Texas had to face rolling blackouts for days while many of its electricity consumers were left holding hefty electricity bills. The reasons for this can be attributed to three key issues, namely, the unpreparedness of the entire power system to face such weather and demand conditions, an isolated state grid, and a deregulated electricity market for some, writes Mr Amit Kumar, Senior Fellow & Senior Director, Rural Energy and Livelihoods Division, TERI.

A three-way strategy to harness sustainability in ethanol’s DNA

02 Mar 2021 |
Dr Sanjukta Subudhi
| Dr Eduardo Leão de Sousa
| ET Auto.com

With sustainability in its DNA, sugarcane ethanol can contribute immensely to both the environment and the economy, write Dr Sanjukta Subudhi, Senior Fellow and Area convener of Microbial Biofuels and Biochemicals, TERI, and Dr Eduardo Leão de Sousa, Executive Director, UNICA.

Beyond policies, the ASTRA India needs to defeat pollution and claim clean air

28 Feb 2021 |
Mr Shivang Agarwal
Dr Sumit Sharma
| News18

The lockdown has provided us with an opportunity in disguise to reassess our activity patterns. It would be essential to use ASTRA as a weapon to eliminate the devil masked as air pollution, write Shivang Agarwal, Research Associate, Earth Science and Climate Change Division and Dr Sumit Sharma, Director & Senior Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.

India's Tricky Path To Cooling Itself Without Warming the World

27 Feb 2021 |
Mr R R Rashmi
Mr Manjeet Singh
| Science the Wire

Transitioning to climate friendly cooling access would potentially be the best business model for India to build back better and perhaps help in achieving net zero emission goals by the mid-century, write Mr R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, Resource Efficiency & Governance Division, TERI and Mr Manjeet Singh, Associate Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change Division, TERI.