In the time of trusteeship
08 Jan 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| Business Today
As we step into the New Millennium, the protection of the environment is a critical challenge for countries and companies alike. Historically, socialist countries like the former Soviet Union that practised rigid centralized planning were poor examples of social responsibility and environmental protection. In particular, a large number of cases from the former Soviet Union that are only now becoming known provide horror-stories of total disregard for environmental damage and destruction. Countries with free market economies too have emerged no better.
Greening of business
06 Jan 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| Chartered Financial Analyst 5(5)
There is actually no conflict between environmental protection and development. For thousands of years human society has been deeply responsible in ensuring its welfare while at the same time protecting the environment. However, the advent of the industrial revolution in the countries of the northern hemisphere somehow lost sight of the damage that industrial production and consumption of newer and larger quantities of goods and services would do to the environment.
Power sector reforms: resolute stand essential
02 Jan 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(1)
As this issue goes to press, the power sector in northern India is facing a serious labour problem, with the employees of the UPSEB (Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board) having gone on strike and the danger of other states showing their sympathy by adopting 'work to rule' tactics. The stand taken by the UPSEB employees and unions deserves no public support, because the government of UP has rightly decided to corporatize the electricity industry in the state, with full assurance that all the rights and privileges of the employees will be protected in the new set-up.