
Disinvesting in oil PSUs

06 Sep 2000 |
Mr Ardhendu Sen
| The Economic Times

The government has decided that the petroleum sector is not 'strategic'. It will therefore be possible to reduce government shareholding in the oil and gas PSUs (public sector undertakings) to below 50 per cent. However, there would be no standard formula to be applied to all the PSUs; each case would be decided on merit and it may well be that more than 50 per cent share is retained in one or more of the important companies.

Independent regulation and competition law

02 Sep 2000 |
Mr S Sundar
| The Economic Times

That market forces and competition can improve efficiencies in the delivery of infrastructure services without affecting economies of scale, and till such competition arrives, monopoly service providers should be regulated, have now been recognised.

Poverty alleviation: are we doing enough?

02 Sep 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(17)

The period 6-9 September saw a major event taking place in New York with the Millennium Summit hosted by the UN Secretary General. Around 160 world leaders met to discuss challenges faced by the human race in the new millennium. The focus of the summit was on poverty and development, but through the multitude of powerful voices heard on the occasion there was hardly any consensus that emerged on any of the major issues that were covered. Goals that were discussed included halving the number of people living in extreme poverty by 2015, reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS, advancing basic education to all children, and bridging the digital divide.

Living with floods

28 Aug 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Hindustan Times

Floods are not new to India and this sub-continent, but in recent years the problem has received much greater attention perhaps largely because it has led to much greater damage than in the past.

A house for all seasons

24 Aug 2000 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
Ms Anuradha Vashisht
| The Indian Express

From the Indraprastha of Pandavas to the Lutyen's Delhi, this legendary city has undergone many a birth pangs. But none so painful as the one in its modern avatar. Delhi in the 21st century is becoming an eyesore.

Not a pipedream: back to Iran gas pipeline option

18 Aug 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Times of India

OPEC is in the news again as the world holds its breath wondering whether output will be increased and oil prices decline from the current level of around $30 per barrel. Meanwhile, the oil import bill in India as in other major oil-importing countries, is straining the economy, with global oil prices having almost trebled in the past two years.

University system in the US: fostering technological development and decision-making

17 Aug 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(16)

This is the Labor Day weekend in the US, and everyone is on the highways here getting away for what is generally regarded as the last weekend of the summer. The travel-intensive population of the US is on the move to the beaches and other holiday spots by the millions. The drive up the East Coast to New Haven, Connecticut was slow and arduous, taking over 7 hours from Wilmington, Delaware. But, mercifully there was no mishap in my journey even though the highways had many speed fiends who zoomed along at 80 mph, changing lanes dangerously.

An integrated energy policy

16 Aug 2000 |
| The Economic Times

Inaugurating the Retreat, a training-cum-conference centre designed by TERI to run exclusively on renewable energy, the prime minister gave a timely call for an integrated energy policy. The matter is complex and an initiative only at the PM's level has some chance of success.

Centre for Electronic Governance: a step in the right direction

02 Aug 2000 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| TERI Newswire VI(15)

Independence day this year was an inspiring occasion as usual marked by the Prime Minister's impassioned speech from the Red Fort and celebrations all over the country honouring the national flag and the memory of those who sacrificed everything for the country's freedom.

The light of their lives

18 Jul 2000 |
Dr Ajay Mathur
| The Economic Times

Laatu is an agricultural labourer who lives in the village of Mangraulli which is part of the VIP Lok Sabha constituency of Amethi. Laatu and his family use a kerosene lamp for lighting their hut.