Completed Projects
GIS based Biomass Production study for Assam, UP, Haryana, and Maharashtra
August 1, 2009 to
July 24, 2010
The project is to ascertain the availability of biomass based on agriculture residue at village level.The study should clearly provide the measure of the biomass in terms of type, amount, period of availability in a year during one complete crop year. In the present study, multi spectral remote sensing will be used for crop biomass estimation regarding the density of stems, height of the plant and basal area of the plant in a given area. . For the present research IRS LISS0-3 data will be used.Energy efficient New Residential Housing in India
September 8, 2009 to
July 21, 2010
Under this Programme KfW, on behalf of the German Government proposed to provide a credit line of up to EUR 50 million to the National Housing Bank of India (NHB) to either refinance energy efficient housing projects through HFCs and banks or to directly finance by providing loans to institutions such as public agencies, housing boards, development authorities, etc. Feasibility of CDM potential for such projects were also explored as part of the study.Energy Audit for Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd.
January 6, 2010 to
July 15, 2010
The Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd., formerly Nava Bharat Ferro Alloys Ltd., Sugar Division is engaged in production of White Crystal Sugar, captive power generation and distillery products. The plant is energy intensive Industry, the brief description of the plant is:Particulars Sugar Mill
Capacity 3500 TCD
Power 9 MW Co-generation
Distillery Unit 20 kLPD
Performance Evaluation of Improved Portable Wood Stoves
June 20, 2010 to
July 12, 2010
Performance Evaluation of Improved Portable Wood StovesITEC Training programme on “Decentralized energy solutions- Planning and implementation” 2 - 20 November 2009
April 1, 2009 to
July 10, 2010
The training programme aims at sensitizing participants on decentralized generation (DG) technologies and to study the extent to which DG can fill the demand-supply gap created by the limitation of grid extension. It focuses on rural electrification issues, renewableenergy and distributed power sources, DG technologies and options for village electrification, scientific assessment of renewable energy resources, preparation of DPRs and tools and techniques for designing village electrification projects including use of decision making tools and software.