International Zero Waste Day: Towards zero waste in fashion and textiles
30 Mar 2025
| Ms. Priya S. WaliAs we observe International Zero Waste Day on March 30, the global spotlight is on the critical need to eliminate waste from one of the most waste intensive and environmentally impactful industry: fashion and textiles. The sector utilizes substantial amount of resources like water, chemicals, energy and in turn generates massive amounts of waste, threatening the overall human and environmental welfare and underscoring the urgency of adopting sustainable and circular practices.
Seagrass Meadows – The Emerging Carbon Sink
01 Mar 2025
| Mr Parikshit Abhimanyu PawarBeneath the world’s marine waters lies a hidden champion in the fight against climate change - underwater meadows that capture carbon dioxide up to 35 times faster than tropical rainforests. These remarkable ecosystems are seagrasses, and as the world marks World Seagrass Day on March 1st, scientists are increasingly recognizing their crucial role in our planet's future.
Nature-based solutions (NbS) for Rural Livelihoods
14 Feb 2025
| T S VeeramaniNature-based Solutions (NbS) can create sustainable rural employment by leveraging ecosystem restoration, agroforestry, and sustainable farming. With potential to generate 20 million jobs by 2030, NbS offers long-term livelihood opportunities for India's rural workforce.
दिल्ली में बढ़ता वायु प्रदूषण संकट: बदलते स्रोतों, AQI रुझानों और स्थानीय-क्षेत्रीय योगदान का गहन विश्लेषण
28 Jan 2025
| Dr Ashmeet Kaur Alangदिल्ली की बिगड़ती वायु गुणवत्ता ने जीवन स्तर को गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित किया है, जिससे निवासियों को गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं और दैनिक कठिनाइयों का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। यह स्थिति अब एक बड़े सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य संकट में बदल चुकी है। पिछले दो दशकों में प्रदूषण के स्रोत बदल गए हैं, और कई उपायों के बावजूद शहर खतरनाक वायु गुणवत्ता से जूझ रहा है। दिल्ली में वायु प्रदूषण इतना व्यापक हो चुका है कि यह निवासियों के स्वास्थ्य, कल्याण और भविष्य के लिए खतरा बन गया है।
Indoor Air Quality Challenges in India during the winter Season
12 Nov 2024
| Prabhat SharmaDiscover India’s indoor air quality challenges during the winter season, the pollution impacts on health, and solutions to improve IAQ for a healthier environment.
Hope amidst floods and challenges – A story on IDES technology "Lighting a Billion Lives Program" of TERI from Bihar
08 Oct 2024
| Mr. Prashant Kumar SwainHope amidst floods and challenges – A story on IDES technology "Lighting a Billion Lives Program" of TERI from Bihar
In response to the demand for clean energy access in rural households, TERI, in collaboration with JEEViKA and J-WiRES, has implemented ‘Lighting a Billion Lives’ in Bihar. The programme proved to be a game-changer for rural households.
Mycorrhiza and Bacteria-Enriched Microbiomes
19 Sep 2024
Mycorrhizae are beneficial soil fungi that establish a symbiotic association with host plant roots. In nature, they also associate with bacteria during different stages of their life cycle. Cross-kingdom associations formed between plant roots and mycorrhizae have been proficient in positively influencing plant growth as these associations are evolutionarily selected and maintained in nature, and are hence more powerful than introduced, non-native, combinations of biofertilizer bacterial strains.
WSDS2024: Launch of MTCoE’s Daylight Plugin Tool at the thematic session "Advancing Sustainable Building Practices: Role of Laboratories and State-of-the-art Infrastructure to Enhance Energy Efficiency & Thermal Comfort."
18 Sep 2024
| Swetha ABThe session was conducted as a part of the World Sustainable Development Summit 2024, the only leading sustainable development summit in the Global South. Held on February 8th, 2024, at the India Habitat Centre, it focused on exploring the potential of smart technologies and data analytics in managing energy and optimizing building performance, emphasizing the significance of human-centric design for improving occupant comfort.
Heat Waves and Action Plans: How Does India Fare?
18 Sep 2024
| Ms Jency SamuelWhile preparedness, alerts and warnings, and other measures of heat action plans have vastly reduced the impact of heat waves, the duration and frequency of climate-induced heat waves are on the rise. Jency Samuel says that as heat waves impact people’s health and livelihood, and the nation’s economy adversely, there is a need to improve and better implement the heat action plans.
Urban Flood Analysis and Early Warning Solution for Disaster Resilience
18 Sep 2024
The objective of this work is to present the experimental findings of an urban flood early warning system developed by combining a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model (WRF) forecast with a distributed hydrologic modeling system. Hydrodynamic models have been used in the simulation of intricate and interrelated dynamic systems, such as urban watersheds and urban water infrastructure. The use of these models in assessing flood hazard, vulnerability, and risk is well-established.