Completed Projects
GOF climate change and energy programme - design of renewable energy credit system for India
October 15, 2007 to
March 31, 2010
The project aims to develop framework for Renewable Energy Credit system in association with Maharshtra Electricity Regulatory Commission(MERC). The framework will be developed for the state of Maharashtra.Green cover for crops!
October 1, 2006 to
March 31, 2010
Integrated pest management or IPM is the strategy for maximizing the use of bio-pesticide with need-based use of pesticides. For many years now, TERI has been involved in the demonstration of IPM packages to farmers. In the current project, initiated with the support from USAID (United States Agency for International Development) and Virginia Tech., IPM packages are being demonstrated on vegetable crops in 15 villages spread in the states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.TERI-ITEC Training Programme on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - 2009-2010 from 4-22 January 2010
August 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2010
TERI has been empanelled by the ITEC (Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation programme) /Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme (SCAAP) of the Government of India. Under this program, TERI is offering five courses for the year 2009-10: Application of biotechnology and its regulation, Trade and sustainable development issues for developing countries, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, South and south-east asia fostering trade ties and Mainstreaming sustainable development.Investment prospects in concentrating solar power projects in India
April 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2010
The broad overarching objective of the study will be to identify key areas of interest that along with contributing to sustainable development will provide solutions to financial institutions to undertake mitigation and adaptation as a business case. Although, the association with HSBC will continue for a three-year period, the scope of the work outlined in this work plan has been limited to one year.Study of Transport System in a Low Carbon Society
July 1, 2009 to
March 31, 2010
As part of the ITPS Study of Transport Sytem in Low Carbon Society, TERI is evaluating the different kinds of measures that could be taken so that the aggregate amount of CO2 emissions from all transport modes in India increase by the smallest possible quantity by 2050. TERI is building a model for measuring CO2 emissions from all transport modes in India by constructing different scenarios based on different images of the future and policy packages in order to reduce the emissions.ETSAP-TERI Joint Workshop on Energy Modeling Tools & Techniques to Address Sustainable Development & Climate Change
November 15, 2009 to
March 31, 2010
TERI and IEA-ETSAP are jointly organizing a workshop on Energy Modeling Tools & Techniques to address Sustainable Development & Climate Change on 21st – 22nd January 2010 at, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India.This workshop aims to bring together energy modelers from across the world to share their recent research work and use of innovative modelling tools and techniques to address key issues related to sustainable development, climate change, and energy policy.
IGES CDM Capacity Building in India for FY2009: Identification and development of CDM projects
May 25, 2009 to
March 31, 2010
Objective of the project is to1. identify and develop co-benefit CDM in waste management sector
2. assist the developmnet of micro-scale CDM projects
3. identify and develop CDM project in large energy intensive sectors
4. assist the negotiation process for the purchase of certified emission reduction (CER) by the Govt of Japn.