Energy efficient New Residential Housing in India

08 Sep 2009 21 Jul 2010
Under this Programme KfW, on behalf of the German Government proposed to provide a credit line of up to EUR 50 million to the National Housing Bank of India (NHB) to either refinance energy efficient housing projects through HFCs and banks or to directly finance by providing loans to institutions such as public agencies, housing boards, development authorities, etc. Feasibility of CDM potential for such projects were also explored as part of the study.
In this KfW funded project, TERI was the technical partner to a consortium led by AFC consultants, Germany. TERI analysed using appropriate modeling techniques various typical housing types(of different income groups) in different climatic zones for energy-efficiency and came up with a set of recommendations for three major climatic zones- both low cost and high-cost options for non-air conditioned and air-conditioned houses catering to low-income, middle income and high income segment. It also formulated the proposed specifications to be followed by the public/private entity/developer while applying for loan from NHB to ensure integration of energy efficient measures in the proposed housing project scheme. This formed the basis for overall design of the promotional programme for energy efficient new residential housing in India.