
Zero Draft Policy on Regulation of Nanoproducts in Agriculture

Policy brief
| November 10, 2017

The use of nanotechnology in agriculture may help India meet challenges such as depleting soil health, rise in food grain demand and the need to make agriculture sustainable.

Discussion Paper: Restructuring the Environmental Governance Architecture for India

Policy brief
| October 30, 2017

The Discussion Paper examines the current architecture of the main environment related legislations, namely the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986; Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980; The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972; The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974; and The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, in the context of the Constitutional provisions and the evolution of approaches to better environmental management, including those emanating from international conventions.

Special Commentary - Sustainable Development Goals: An India Perspective

| August 9, 2017

(In the context of the convening of the UN's High Level Political Forum on SDGs from 10th to 19th July)

Novel Targets and Advancements 18 in Drug Discovery: The Case of HIV-AIDS

Research Paper
| May 9, 2017

Since the very first report of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the early 1980s in the United States, a number of advancements have taken place both in the structural and functional aspects of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) life cycle as well as anti-HIV drug design. While new drugs have come to the market and combination therapies have increased life expectancy, resistance and viral mutations have mandated introduction of new drugs in the market. Apart from two main classes of HIV inhibitors (reverse transcriptase and

Development of a novel myconanomining approach for 2 the recovery of agriculturally important elements from 3 jarosite waste.

Research Paper
| May 9, 2017

In this study, an ecofriendly and economically viable waste management approach have been attempted towards the biosynthesis of agriculturally important nanoparticles from jarosite waste. Aspergillus terreus strain J4 isolated from jarosite (waste from Debari Zinc Smelter, Udaipur, India), showed good leaching efficiency along with nanoparticles (NPs) formation under ambient conditions. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed the formation of NPs.

​​Nonribosomal Peptides from Marine Microbes and Their Antimicrobial and Anticancer Potential.

Research Paper
| May 8, 2017

Marine environments are largely unexplored and can be a source of new molecules for the treatment of many diseases such as malaria, cancer, tuberculosis, HIV etc. The Marine environment is one of the untapped bioresource of getting pharmacologically active nonribosomal peptides (NRPs). Bioprospecting of marine microbes have achieved many remarkable milestones in pharmaceutics.

Discussion Paper on Roadmap for Achieving Additional 2.5-3 Billion Tonnes CO2e Sequestration from Forestry Sector by 2030

Policy brief
| April 17, 2017

In India, forests are considered as social and environmental resource primarily and more than 275 million people are deriving their full or partial livelihood and sustenance needs. India has stabilized its forest and tree cover but quality of forests is degrading due to unsustainable harvest of fuelwood and other minor forest produce. The Government of India has communicated to UNFCCC to achieve voluntarily additional 2.5-3 billion tonnes of CO2e by 2030 from forestry sector on October 2, 2015 and further ratified on October 2, 2016.

Designing a Business Model for Sustainable Management of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) in India

Policy brief
| March 28, 2017

This policy brief proposes a framework/business model for sustainable management of end-of-life vehicles in India. It not only suggest ways for collection and management of the ELVs, but also outline ways to obtain maximum economic benefits from their recovery, creating social values and preventing environmental degradation along with fulfilling the relevant legislations.

Significance of the Decision at Kigali: Implications for India

Policy brief
| March 23, 2017

What lies ahead for India as countries undertake the Kigali amendment, and the innovative approaches required to meet the targets On October 15, 2016 nearly 197 countries got together to mark incremental progress in overcoming differences, drawing upon creativity, compromises, and trust towards finally reaching an agreement which is ambitious, balanced, and unique.