
Crisis in India's Electricity Distribution Sector: Time to Reboot for a Viable Future

Policy brief
| January 22, 2015

In many developing countries including India, energy pricing is a subject that involves political economy and engages the interests of different stakeholders. The governments in these countries often exert their discretions to regulate energy commodity prices and provide direct subsidies to realize certain social and economic objectives. This can bring distortion in the market and incur revenue losses without realizing much the desired outcome as can be seen in case of the power sector in India.

Discussion Paper : The Mineral Development and Regulation Framework in India

Policy brief
| January 14, 2015

The Paper highlights the governance and regulation issues that need to be addressed as part of the reform of the mineral concession system.Also it brings out the merits of bidding and first-in-time systems in their specific contexts. The difficulties of resource estimation and valuation in bidding systems are analysed.

What would India need for moving to a 100% renewable energy scenario by 2050?

Policy brief
| December 20, 2014

The Fifth Assessment Reports released by the IPCC indicates that increase in global temperatures is proportional to the build-up of long-lasting greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially carbon dioxide. Various models have estimated 680-1200 billion tonnes of CO2 as being the maximum volume of CO2 that could be emitted till 2100 into the atmosphere to still stay within the 2 °C limit. However, few countries have made efforts to move towards any major deviations from their past emission trajectories.

Discussion Paper : Perspectives on a Water Resource Policy for India

Policy brief
| October 30, 2014

India sustains nearly 17 per cent of the world's population but is endowed with just four per cent of global water resources. About 50 per cent of annual precipitation is received in just about 15 days in a year, which is not being brought to productive use due to limited storage capacity of 36 per cent of utilizable resources (252 BCM out of 690 BCM). Leakage and inefficiencies in the water supply system waste nearly 50 per cent of usable water. The ground water level is declining at the rate of 10 cm per year. Over 70 per cent of surface water and ground water resources are contaminated.

Smart Solutions for Sustainable Cities: A Policy Perspective

Policy brief
| October 9, 2014

Urban India has grown at an unprecedented rate in the last two decades. The level of urbanisation increased from 25 per cent in 1991 to 31 per cent in 2011 with a total urban population of 377 million in 2011. A conservative estimate of India's population growth shows that it is expected to reach about 1.5 billion by 2031, of which the urban population is estimated to be about 600 million, i.e., about 40 per cent1.

Tax Regime for Improved Cookstoves and Its Implications

Policy brief
| September 14, 2014

Around 160 million households in India rely on traditional biomass - firewood, cattle dung, and crop residues as cooking fuel. When biomass is burnt in traditional inefficient cookstoves it emits smoke that has significant health and climate impacts resulting in 10 lakh premature deaths per year. Efforts to replace inefficient traditional cookstoves with cleaner, more efficient improved biomass cookstoves have been in process across the country for several years now, primarily driven by grassroots institutions and government technical institutes.

Advancement of Fuel Quality and Vehicle Emissions Norms to Improve Urban Air Quality in India

Policy brief
| September 14, 2014

The health impacts of the deteriorating ambient air quality in urban cities worldwide are of serious concern. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one of the top ten causes of death is attributed to air pollution (WHO, 2010); diesel engine exhaust, for instance has been linked with increased lung cancer risk (WHO, 2012). Motor vehicles are one of the major sources contributing to air pollution at local, regional and global scale. India, which has the largest number of megacities in the world, is facing serious air quality problems in its urban areas.

Proliferation of Cars in Indian Cities: Let Us Not Ape the West

Policy brief
| July 3, 2014

India currently has about 15 million cars, which is equivalent to 13 cars per 1,000 population. While this by itself is not high, it has to be noted that it is a national average and some cities like Delhi, Chennai, and Coimbatore have more than 100 cars per 1,000 population. Different estimates show that the number of cars in India will increase to about 35 cars per 1,000 population by 2025. This would amount to about 45-60 million cars on our roads and in some cities more than 300 cars per 1,000 population.

Climate Proofing Indian Cities: A Policy Perspective

Policy brief
| March 23, 2014

The impact of climate change on cities is of particular concern due to high concentrations of population and infrastructure in these areas. Depending upon their geographical location and climatic conditions, the climate hazards may range from increased and frequent flooding and water logging to heat and cold waves, sea-level rise, and storm surges. In this context, the policy brief outlines emerging opportunities for Indian cities to foster climate resilient development and recommends for the formulation of a specific new policy pertaining to urban climate resilience in India.

India and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Policy brief
| November 12, 2013

This Policy Brief, based on research on current international developments and consultations with policy-makers and other stakeholders, seeks to make suggestions on how India should engage with the design of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensure an alignment of its own Plan goals with the SDGs wherever possible to establish a greater synergy and efficiency in the achievements of these goals. SDGs was one of the main outcomes of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), popularly known as the Rio+20, convened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012.