US-India collaborative for smart distribution system with storage (UI-ASSIST)

25 Sep 2017

The US-India collAborative for smart diStribution System wIth Storage (UI-ASSIST) is a consortium under the Joint Clean Energy Research & Development Centre (JCERDC) of the IUSSTF. The research group consists of leading academic institutes, research organisations, power sector utilities and industry partners from India and the US.

The consortium is undertaking collaborative research on various smart grid technologies and energy storage for power distribution systems. The overall objective of this project is to evolve a future distribution grid that will allow the continuing increase of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) penetration towards a carbon-free electricity system.

The research would lead to a fully conceptualised Smart Distribution Grid that optimally utilises grid storage. The development will be validated using 10 different UI-ASSIST test beds, and pilot field demonstrations. TERI has teamed up with BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL) to conduct a detailed feasibility study within BRPL business area within NCT of Delhi. Together with BRPL, it has identified some selected feeders/institutions/consumers (gated residential communities) to implement the different Smart Grid functionalities (mainly DSM/Demand Response), including grid-scale energy storage systems, EV charging stations on pilot-basis.

Indo-US science and technology Forum
Burns & Mcdonnell Engineering India Private Limited
Indian Institute of Technology-Kanpur
BSES Limited

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Energy storage
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