Implemeting business development Services in Rajkot and Mohali-Panchkula-Chandigarh MSME cluster

13 Mar 2009 31 Mar 2012
The objective of the proposed project is to strengthen the access to BDS (Business Development Services) of SMEs in Rajkot and Mohali-Panchkula-Chandigarh clusters by designing and implementing strategiesto:
- Develop the market for BDS
- Strengthen the access to BDS providers
- Assist BDS providers in the clusters (Rajkot and Mohali-Panchkula-
Chandigarh) to become self-sustainable.

- Develop the clusters as `role models? for other similar clusters in
the country.

It is proposed to implement the project in three phases:
Phase 1: Cluster mapping and Development of Prioritized Action Plan
Phase 2: Project implementation
Phase 3: Project learning and planning exit strategy