Press Release

Shifting to cycling can result in an annual savings of up to 1.6% of India's GDP: TERI study

11 Jan 2019

Cycling for short distances can result in an annual benefit of INR 1.8 trillion to the Indian economy, which is equivalent to 1.6% of India's annual GDP

- Shifting only half of all the short-distance work trips, which typically take place through cars and two-wheelers, to cycling can result in massive savings in the fuel expenditure. This analysis undertaken for 2015-16 revealed that India could save INR 27 billion from personal fuel savings (refer Figure 7a in the report), 0.35 MTOE annually and reduce CO2 emissions.

TERI and Maxop to set up testing and research facility for solar pumps, other products

26 Dec 2018

TERI and Maxop signed an agreement on Wednesday to set up the facility at TERI's centre in Gwal Pahadi, Gurugram

New Delhi, December 26: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Maxop Research and Testing Institute today signed an agreement to set up the 'TERI-Maxop Solar Testing and Research Facility' at TERI's centre in Gwal Pahadi, Gurugram.

International conference explores nanotechnology-enabled natural alternatives to chemical fertilisers and pesticides

13 Dec 2018

TERI Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre (TDNBC), in partnership with the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, is organising a two-day international conference on Nanobiotechnology for Agriculture

GRIHA launches CITIES rating at the inaugural of the 10th GRIHA Summit

11 Dec 2018

- Council focuses efforts towards building green cities - Signs two MoUs with Global Association for Corporate Services (GCAS) & with Public Works Department (PWD), Govt of Maharashtra

Sony and TERI empower schools to take forward water, sanitation and hygiene awareness efforts

11 Dec 2018

After the success of Phase 1 of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) project, phase 2 was launched to further strengthen and sustain the education component of providing WASH facilities.

Around 200 farmers enrolled in Paani Bachao, Paise Kamao scheme, 10 felicitated in Bambiwal village

04 Dec 2018

Around 200 farmers enrolled in Paani Bachao, Paise Kamao scheme, 10 felicitated in Bambiwal village

Jalandhar, December 4 2018: A total of 205 farmers have so far enrolled under the Paani Bachao, Paise Kamao pilot initiative of the Direct Benefit Transfer for Electricity (DBTE) to agriculture scheme. Some of these farmers have started receiving money directly into their bank accounts at the rate of Rs.4 per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity saved.

गृह (जीआरआईएचए) शिखर सम्मेलन के दसवें सत्र में भारत में टिकाऊ आवास के अवसरों पर चर्चा करेंगे हरित इमारतों के पक्षधर

28 Nov 2018

दसवां गृह शिखर सम्मेलन और इमारत ऊर्जा दक्षता में बदलाव पर अंतरराष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन (इंटरनेशनल कांफ्रेन्स आन बिल्डिंग एनर्जी एफीशियेन्सी ट्रांसफार्मेशन) 11 से 13 दिसंबर, 2018 तक नई दिल्ली में आयोजित किया जायेगा, जिसकी सह मेजबानी न्यू साउथ वेल्स विश्वविद्यालय (यूएनएसडब्लू), ऑस्ट्रेलिया, ऊर्जा दक्षता ब्यूरो (बीईई) और ड्यूश गेसेलस्काफ्ट फर इंटरनेशनल जुसुममेनारबीट (जीआईजेड) जीएमबीएच द्वारा गृह परिषद के साथ मिलकर की जायेगी।

Green Building Fraternity come together to discuss opportunities for sustainable habitat in India at the 10th edition of GRIHA Summit

28 Nov 2018

The 10th GRIHA Summit & International Conference on Building Energy Efficiency Transformation is being held from 11th to 13th December, 2018 at New Delhi, will be co-hosted by University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in association with GRIHA Council.

TERI launches pilot study to introduce Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to upgrade power infrastructure

22 Nov 2018

- Study to support implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) in West Bengal on pilot-scale - Held the first project inception meeting today at Bidyut Unnayan Bhavan (HQ of Dept. of Power)

Modern bioenergy 'the overlooked giant' of the renewable energy field, says IEA

13 Nov 2018

TERI & CEEW co-host India launch of IEA's 'Renewables 2018' market analysis and forecast report