
What 'Diwali' smog conceals

27 Oct 2014 |
Dr Shailly Kedia
| The Times of India

Rice cultivation in Punjab and Haryana is triggering an economic and ecological crisis, say Dr Prodipto Ghosh, Distinguished Fellow, Earth Science and Climate Change division and Ms Shailly Kedia, Fellow, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI.

Cleaning Ganga holistically

24 Oct 2014 |
| The Financial Express

The Centre must involve states and weave other development plans into the Clean Ganga project, says Dr S K Sarkar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI.

Let's talk about the weather

22 Oct 2014 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Hindustan Times

Rising sea levels pose a significant risk to India's economic growth given our extensive coastline, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Why Modi government doesn't need to worry about oil prices for now

10 Oct 2014 |
Mr Siddharth Singh
| Daily O

The new government is fortunate to have taken over at a time when international crude prices have stabilized, says Mr Siddharth Singh, Research Associate, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI.

100 Smart Cities: Delivering smartly

02 Oct 2014 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| The Financial Express

The need for robust institutional, physical and social infrastructure is crucial to sustenance of a city and its hinterland that support the burgeoning population, says Ms Mili Majumdar, Director, Sustainable Habitat division, TERI.

Rationalizing energy

01 Oct 2014 |
Mr Anandajit Goswami
Mr Saahil M Parekh
| Dew Journal

Under the on-going project titled 'Rationalizing Energy Pricing in India', TERI is studying the distortions in energy pricing in India and its impact on energy access and overall welfare of the society. Mr Anandajit Goswami, Fellow, and Mr Saahil Parekh, Research Associate, Green Growth and Resource Efficiency division, TERI, talk about the various issues discussed in the study.

An Insight into Green Buildings

01 Oct 2014 |
Ms Anshula A Kumar
| GREEN Construction+Design

GRIHA is working towards addressing these challenges to enable developers to operate with ease, says Ms Anshula Kumar, Project Officer, Sustainable Habitat Division, TERI.

On energy, it can no more be business as usual

22 Sep 2014 |
Dr R K Pachauri
| The Tribune

There is an urgent need for a slew of unconventional options, including greater reliance on natural gas, faster development of renewable energy and an innovative transport policy, says Dr R K Pachauri, Director-General, TERI.

Learning from an informal idea

25 Aug 2014 |
Ms Akshima Tejas Ghate
| The Pioneer

The e-rickshaw operations have provided all the specific clues and answers to the puzzles associated with feeder transport planning in the metro cities, which many of us have not been able to answer for years, says Ms Akshima T Ghate, Fellow, Sustainable Habitat division, TERI.

Smart solutions for sustainable cities: translating vision to reality

21 Aug 2014 |
Ms Mili Majumdar
| The Economic Times, Blog

Ensuring sustainability of urban services for a burgeoning urban population should be the core of the smart cities, says Ms Mili Majumdar, Director, Sustainable Habitat, TERI.