Sustainable development and the role of TERI

18 Jul 2016

The Energy and Resources Institute is a premier research institute headquartered in Delhi with regional offices across the country in Mukteshwar, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Guwahati and one in our very own state of Goa. The organisation has an international presence in America, Europe, Japan, Gulf, Kuala Lumpur and Africa. It is the largest developing country institution working towards sustainability that encompasses formulating local and national level strategies that shape both grass root and global solutions on various critical issues. With staff strength of over a thousand research professionals drawn from diverse fields, the organisation is deeply committed to every aspect of sustainable development and has a strong influence on the environmental policy.

The National Renewable Energy Policy for the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and the National Environmental Policy for the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change have been influenced by TERI. Besides crusading against climate change at both national and international level with various stakeholders, the organisation has been working on ensuring that energy access is strengthened across the country, and is working in developing energy efficient technological solutions for micro, small and medium enterprises. Cutting edge research to find environment friendly solutions and promotion of resource efficient buildings through its GRIHA rating are some of the activities undertaken by the organisation.

The organisation has also been working on disseminating and spreading awareness related to the various issues related to environment and sustainable development and has an in-house publication division and film unit. The Environment Education & Awareness group [EEA] within TERI works extensively to promote sustainable development amongst the youth.

TERI Goa Centre

The TERI office in Goa was set up in 1996 and carried out policy research in the interface between environment and development. Over the years, the office has gained expertise in the area of coastal and marine research and has now been designated as the Coastal Ecology and Marine Resources Centre. Some of the projects carried out are related to: Livelihood diversification of coastal communities through demonstration of various aquaculture practices

  • Monitoring of pollution in coastal ecosystems
  • Assessment of Coastal Biodiversity
  • Modeling and prediction of possible climate change impacts at local level
  • Environment friendly technology to provide clean water from polluted rivers


TERI Field work Goa


TERI Goa Work


The centre also works on education, outreach and awareness on the environment taking up projects related to various issues ranging from climate change, waste management, and energy efficiency to sustainable schools. The office is located in Alto-Santa Cruz and has a small library that is open to the public with an excellent collection of books.

Environmental awareness
Environment education
Sustainable development