Ongoing Projects

Air and Water Quality Status Report of Maharashtra

October 8, 2024
| Water
| Air

The center prepares annual air and water quality status reports for the state of Maharashtra, a project being sponsored by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB). MPCB regularly monitors the qualitative state of the water resources across the state as well as the air quality across various locations in the state. TERI has been preparing these status reports by statistically compiling and analysing the secondary data received from MPCB whilst developing graphical and spatial illustrations.

Improving urban air quality by facilitating piloting of clean air zones

July 2, 2024
| Transport
| Air

The development of a detailed CAZ (clean air zone) plan would focus on measures related to traffic and transportation (such as pedestrianization, cycle tracks, and EV mobility), urban planning (land use plans, heritage conservation), emission control, air quality monitoring and dust control. Through this plan, the program seeks to prioritize solutions based on emission reduction to enhance air quality in the study area. This approach aligns with sectoral sustainability goals by addressing environmental, social, and economic aspects of urban air quality improvement.

Programme LEAD (Leadership for Environment, Awareness and Development) 2024

April 1, 2024
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Climate Change
| Energy
| Energy Efficiency
| Water
| Forest & Biodiversity
| Waste
| Air
| Health & Nutrition
| Environment

The Education for Youth Empowerment (EYE) Area of Environment Education and Awareness (EEA) Division at The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has designed a summer programme that enables school students to gain knowledge, enhance their skillsets and obtain access to resources and networks to strengthen their competencies on issues related to environment and sustainable development. Technical sessions by subject experts, hands-on training, internship opportunities and mentoring on sustainability-linked topics are key activities curated within this holistic programme.

Assessment of Environmental Compensation for the Brick Kiln Units Located in Thadagam valley, Coimbatore

December 22, 2023
| Air
| Environment

The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB) has imposed environmental compensation for 185 brick kiln units located in Thadagam region of Coimbatore district for causing damage to the environment. Subsequently, aggrieved by the same the Brick Kiln units filed writ petitions against the Board's proceeding before the Hon'ble High Court of Madras.

The Hon'ble High Court of Madras vide order dated 27.04.2023 in WP No. 34793 of 2022 has directed the following among other;

Local Air Quality Management Plan (LAMP)

October 18, 2023
| Air
| Sustainable Habitat
| Environment
| Climate Change

The air pollution effect is perennial to the local vendors who are present near the monument and are impacted due to the outdoor air pollution near the monument. Thus, apart from the initiatives to curb air pollution, it is also essential to create awareness about the issue amongst the people whose existence depends on the monuments. Thus, an awareness drive along with the EDF to sensitize these people about the issue, its impacts and individual initiatives that can help in reducing the health impacts and subsequently the impact of air pollution on the monument.

School Awareness as part of CAP India

October 18, 2023
| Cities
| Air
| Sustainable Habitat
| Environment
| Energy
| Climate Change

The alarming levels of air pollution in major cities across India have raised serious concerns about public health. It is a problem that demands a united effort, spanning global, national, regional, and individual levels, to combat. The Clean Air Project (CAP) in India, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is a crucial initiative aimed at improving air quality, enhancing well-being, and mitigating climate change impacts.

E-Learning Platform

October 3, 2023
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Climate Change
| Microbes
| Transport
| Cities
| Energy Efficiency
| Resources & Sustainable Development
| Water
| Buildings
| Energy Access
| Land
| Forest & Biodiversity
| Waste
| Air
| Resource Efficiency & Governance
| Health & Nutrition
| Sustainable Habitat
| Environment
| Energy

TERI is committed to offering expert training across various research fields to enhance the skills of both professionals and students. These courses aim to provide individuals eager to expand their knowledge and competencies in the sector with access to cutting-edge information.

Support to Government of Uttar Pradesh for establishment of Strategic and Policy Advisory Unit for Uttar Pradesh Clean Air Management Programme (UP CAMP)

September 4, 2023
| Air

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) with support from the Clean Air Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies aims to provide strategic and policy support to the Department of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that the activities within UP CAMP are streamlined and designed in the most efficient ways to drive the achievement of NCAP targets across the 17 non-attainment cities in the State.

Emission inventories, Source apportionment studies and carrying capacity study for different cities in India

August 7, 2023
| Air

Air pollution is a major planetary health risk, with India estimated to have some of the worst levels globally. However, the impact of air pollution is not limited to health but extends to agriculture and the general well-being of humans and other living organisms. To address the deteriorating ambient air quality all over the country, the government of India has launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019. The main objective of the NCAP is to reduce the ambient PM2.5 concentrations by 20–30% as compared to 2017 in the non-attainment cities by 2024 (NCAP, 2019).

Clean Air Projects in India (CAP – India)

August 7, 2023
| Air

To tackle the problem of air pollution, GoI has taken several steps such as setting up of national ambient air quality standards and air quality monitoring programme, penetration of gaseous fuels in residential and transport sector, emission norms for highly polluting industries, advanced vehicular emissions, and fuel quality norms etc. Despite these initiatives, the pollutant levels in cities have not reduced and have increased in many cities with the growth patterns. Evidently, more intensive efforts are still required at both urban and national scale to combat the issue.