Ongoing Projects

Preparing End-of-Life Disposal Protocol for Woven Jute / Polypropylene Bags

August 9, 2023
| Waste
| Resources & Sustainable Development

Transitioning to alternative sustainable materials can help mitigate the carbon intensity associated with plastic production and its impact on climate change. In this regard, the use of jute for packaging plays an important role from sustainability perspective due to its renewable nature, biodegradability, low carbon footprint, positive impact on soil health, reduced water consumption, versatility, and economic significance. By choosing jute products over synthetic alternatives, individuals and industries can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Sustainable Aviaton Fuel Roadmap for India

August 9, 2023
| Energy
| Transport

Fossil fuel-sourced Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) has significant environmental impacts along its well-to-wheel chain. In 2021 aviation accounted for over 2% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, having grown faster in recent decades than road, rail or shipping. The estimated consumption of ATF for international operations by Indian operators is expected to reach around 2.2 million tonnes by 2030, while that for domestic operations, it will reach 10.1 million tonnes during the same period.

Crop Diversification Pathways for Punjab

August 9, 2023
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Health & Nutrition
| Environment

TERI, under its commitments to the FOLU India platform operations, has taken the responsibility of developing a roadmap for the crop diversification of Punjab. The general approach adopted is to initiate a value chain-based gap analysis to identify the enabling conditions required to make the alternate crops economically lucrative to the farmers.

Through the assistance of on ground consultation with farmers, FPO's and other relevant stakeholders the team is currently undertaking the following activities:

Establishing Energy Data Management Unit (EDMU)

August 9, 2023
| Energy Efficiency
| Energy Access
| Energy

Energy access, energy security, and energy transition are vital both at the global and national levels. This necessitates the availability of robust, consistent, and reliable energy data, which can help in understanding the energy profile of a country. Furthermore, it aids in assessing the impact of various policies and programs. In the current era, where energy transition holds high priority, having robust energy data can assist policymakers in formulating data-backed policies that support countries in achieving their environmental and developmental commitments in the coming years.

Comparative LCA Between Powertrain Components of ICE Vehicles Versus EVs

August 9, 2023
| Transport
| Resources & Sustainable Development
| Energy

Manufacture, promotion and adoption of EVs seem to be one of the top priorities of government all across the world including India when it comes to green measures. The aim of this project is to quantify the benefits associated with such a switch compared to the traditional option of using ICE vehicle powertrain and fuel in Indian roads. The upstream manufacturing of EVs is both resource and energy intensive while there is also an inflexion point beyond which EVs have to be driven to become environmentally competitive with ICE vehicles.

Sustainability Assessment of Vehicle Fuel

August 8, 2023
| Transport
| Resources & Sustainable Development

In a scenario where India is actively pursuing green energy, the objective is to realize the full potential of biogas as a vehicular fuel. Biogas has multiple benefits in the Indian context in terms of energy efficiency, raw material availability, affordable mobility and rural mobility penetration, waste management, as well as several social-economic benefits that come with its usage.

Clean Air Projects in India (CAP – India)

August 7, 2023
| Air

To tackle the problem of air pollution, GoI has taken several steps such as setting up of national ambient air quality standards and air quality monitoring programme, penetration of gaseous fuels in residential and transport sector, emission norms for highly polluting industries, advanced vehicular emissions, and fuel quality norms etc. Despite these initiatives, the pollutant levels in cities have not reduced and have increased in many cities with the growth patterns. Evidently, more intensive efforts are still required at both urban and national scale to combat the issue.

Emission inventories, Source apportionment studies and carrying capacity study for different cities in India

August 7, 2023
| Air

Air pollution is a major planetary health risk, with India estimated to have some of the worst levels globally. However, the impact of air pollution is not limited to health but extends to agriculture and the general well-being of humans and other living organisms. To address the deteriorating ambient air quality all over the country, the government of India has launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019. The main objective of the NCAP is to reduce the ambient PM2.5 concentrations by 20–30% as compared to 2017 in the non-attainment cities by 2024 (NCAP, 2019).

Strengthening Municipal Staff for Cleaner and Greener Lucknow: TERI's Innovative Training Program on Mechanical Road Sweeper Audit System under CAP India Project

August 7, 2023
| Waste
| Air

Under the banner of CAP India Project, the Director of Environment and TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), in collaboration with the Lucknow Municipal Corporation, successfully organized a groundbreaking training program on the Mechanical Road Sweeper (MRS) based audit system. This initiative, held on 19th June 2023 to 22nd June 2023 at the prestigious Taj Hotel Lucknow, aimed to equip Nagar Nigam staff with the necessary skills to revolutionize road sweeping and combat air pollution in the city.

Low Carbon Pathways for Madhya Pradesh

August 4, 2023
| Energy

TERI carried out a study on decarbonization pathways for the power sector in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The primary aim of this study is to assess the future capacity and generation portfolio in the state of Madhya Pradesh in the short and medium term—2025 and 2030—to meet the anticipated demand profile. The study provides an assessment of key aspects such as (a) the degree of VRE generation which can be integrated with the state grid, (b) system costs, and (c) the impact on the operation of the coal fleet.

The study brings out the following impressions: