Ongoing Projects

Communication planning, awareness campaigns, and product development for the Cities Combatting Plastic entering Marine Environment (CCP-ME)

October 18, 2023
| Cities
| Land
| Waste
| Environment
| Climate Change

The plastic industry has profoundly impacted our world, enhancing living standards, hygiene, and nutrition, especially in developing nations. Rapid urbanization, a growing middle class, and industrialization have fuelled plastic consumption across various sectors like automotive, construction, electronics, healthcare, and textiles. However, the environmental challenge is significant, as plastic does not naturally decompose.

School Awareness as part of CAP India

October 18, 2023
| Cities
| Air
| Sustainable Habitat
| Environment
| Energy
| Climate Change

The alarming levels of air pollution in major cities across India have raised serious concerns about public health. It is a problem that demands a united effort, spanning global, national, regional, and individual levels, to combat. The Clean Air Project (CAP) in India, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is a crucial initiative aimed at improving air quality, enhancing well-being, and mitigating climate change impacts.

Developing a Glacio-Hydrological Model and IWRM Plan for a Selected Sub-basin in the Central Himalayas, Uttarakhand, India

October 5, 2023
| Water

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is implementing a programme of ‘Strengthening Climate Change Adaptation in the Himalayas (SCA-Himalayas)’, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), NITI Aayog, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and the state governments from couple of years in India.

State of Waste Management Report

October 4, 2023
| Waste

TERI in partnership with The Incubation Network and Be Waste Wise (BWW) developed the State of Waste Management Report outlining current waste management practices carried out by selected cities and also puts forward the best practices undertaken by other cities in the country. The report provides recommendations to city governments for effective municipal solid waste at the city level and also includes a gap analysis from the discussions held through the workshop and public sessions held as a part of the initiative.

Punjab: Pilot Implementation of Direct Benefit Transfer for Electricity (DBTE) to Agriculture

September 27, 2023
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Water

The project aims to address and provide solutions towards three-dimensional interlinked challenge of declining ground water, increasing electricity consumption and rising fiscal burden of power subsidy on agriculture. In order to achieve the said objective, the project intends to help Government of Punjab and Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (PSPCL) pilot the DBTE scheme in three selected feeders in Punjab and refine the scheme on the basis of the learnings from this pilot for its wider implementation across Punjab.

Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India

September 27, 2023
| Water

The project focuses on unlocking wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India. In collaboration with Central, State and local stakeholders and supported by industrial partners, the project aims to deliver cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions for the treatment and reuse of wastewater with resource recovery. The objective is to create policy and social support for innovative technologies and concepts through stakeholder engagement.

Gender-Just Transition: 'Establishing women as critical stakeholders in India’s just energy transition: Evidences from Odisha, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh'

September 21, 2023
| Energy

Coal continues to remain the mainstay of India’s energy portfolio mix. The climate change considerations and the increasing competitiveness of cleaner sources of energy are likely to increase the momentum of the transition towards non-fossil fuel-based sources. According to an estimate, this move would impact approximately 13 million people who are dependent on coal either directly or indirectly for a livelihood.

Manuals for Energy Efficient Retrofit of Existing Buildings in Different Climatic Zones of India

September 20, 2023
| Buildings
| Sustainable Habitat
| Energy

India is a diverse country with diverse energy consumption patterns in different sectors. Among these sectors, the building sector consumes around 38% (~208 mtoe) of India’s total annual primary energy consumption and 31% (296 TWh) of the total annual electricity consumption. Within the commercial sector, the current built-up area is roughly 1.4 billion square meters.

National Level Health Vulnerability Assessment and develop a Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Action Plan for Climate Change and Human Health (NAPCCHH)

September 18, 2023
| Health & Nutrition

Climate change has become a major concern in India, with the country experiencing several adverse effects that have impacted public health in various ways. Some of the key health challenges related to climate change in India include vector-borne diseases (VBDs), heat stress, water-borne diseases (WBDs), extreme weather events, and air pollution-related diseases. Such climate change induced diseases are termed as climate sensitive diseases (CSDs).

SAHeLEE: Striving for Advancement in Health and improved quality of Life through Entrepreneurship and Education

September 18, 2023
| Sustainable Agriculture
| Health & Nutrition

This project aims to strengthen sustainable agricultural practices and reintroduce local nutrient-dense products into the diets of the community, with a strong focus on climate sensitivity.