Ongoing Projects

Accelerating Industrial Decarbonisation in India

July 28, 2021
| Energy Efficiency

This programme aims to build an evidence base and agree on a roadmap for industrial decarbonisation in key sectors by 2024. The sectors include Iron & steel, cement and related micro, small and medium enterprises. The programme envisions to achieve it through relevant frameworks including policies, low carbon technologies, finance and adequate corporate commitment. Major activities to be undertaken are: Developing targets and sectoral roadmaps for low carbon transition in key industries;

Opportunities, Risks and Governance for Deep Sea Mining in the Indo Pacific

July 1, 2021
| Water

Mineral resources in the Indo-Pacific represent a substantial opportunity to provide the materials required for economic development and the specialist minerals need for the energy transition. Licenses to extract minerals from Deep Sea Mining (DSM) to realise this opportunity are starting to be awarded in the Indo-Pacific. However, substantial risks exist if we do not increase the understanding of impacts upon the marine ecosystem in this nascent field.

Opportunities, Risks and Governance for Deep Sea Mining in the Indo Pacific - Research Study and Virtual Round Table

July 1, 2021
| Environment

The purpose of this Grant is to support The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) to undertake its proposed Research Study and Virtual Round Table on the ‘Opportunities, Risks and Governance for Deep Sea Mining in the Indo Pacific’. This supports Australia’s involvement in India’s Indo-Pacific Oceans Initiative (IPOI). The objectives of the AIIPOIP grant opportunity are to:

Preparation of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Policy on nomination basis

June 29, 2021
| Environment

Solid waste management (SWM) has become an issue of immediate importance in Goa, which is rapidly urbanizing. Many factors, such as waste amount and composition, awareness and attitudes of stakeholders, access to collection, institutions and legislations in place; that vary from place to place must be considered in the design of a SWM system. Single use plastic, in particular, is a grave problem in Goa, which is known as an international tourist destination.

Rehabilitation and Closure plan for converting redmud dump

June 28, 2021
| Land

The objective of this project is to develop green cover, in order to reduce mud erosion and windblown dust during the summer season. The specific objectives are to: 1. Ensure that the green belt restoration, helps in filtering out the rainwater, thereby improving the water quality (pH neutral).

Strengthening Clean Air Action Plans

June 22, 2021
| Air

The project is primarily intended to strengthen the clean air action plan developed for three non-attainment cities in India, namely Surat, Pune and Nagpur. The following are the major objectives to achieve this 1.       Assessment of methods and procedures followed in the development of the action plans prepared in the three cities 2.       Assessment of adequacy of the Action Plan & City engagement 3.       Suggest measures/actions for strengthening city air actions plans & City engagement

Changemakers for Climate Action

June 21, 2021
| Environment

As the novel coronavirus continues to impact lives, threats posed by biological organisms cannot be taken lightly anymore. With studies on COVID-19 suggesting that it has a zoonotic source, consequences of climate change are likely to create many more similar environmental and health hazards in the future. In the current scenario, the global mean temperature continues to increase due to various deforestation, land-use changes, captive animal breeding, and other anthropogenic activities.

Selected brick kilns in Palwal District, Haryana

June 16, 2021
| Climate Change

Building infrastructure in India is estimated to grow at a rate of 6.6% per year between 2005 and 2030. The building stock is expected to multiply five times during this period, resulting in a continuous increase in demand for brick and other building materials. With rapid growth of brick production, the environmental aspects of brick making have become a serious concern that requires immediate action to control the emission.

Collection of Municipal Solid Waste and its Management

June 15, 2021
| Waste

The overall objective of the study is to determine the current status of MSWM in South Asian countries (with emphasis on China), which includes the end-of-life value chain of primary waste collection, transport, secondary storage, treatment and disposal, mapping of associated waste generators (such as households, commercial/markets and institutional establishments) and their respective waste value chains, determine gaps in the current waste management status, and provide wholistic solutions to bridge the gaps in the current MSWMS through incorporation of dig