TERI’s Solutions for Sustainable Development

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TERI’s Solutions for Sustainable Development is a compilation of 60 ‘knowledge products’ to instill the practice of sustainability for a wide range of stakeholders. These solutions are the tangible pathways for effective realization of sustainable development by the global community.

The curated solutions are categorized into: Sustainable Agriculture (4), Climate Change (4), Energy (6) , Environment which includes Forestry and Biodiversity (4) , Air (4), Water Resources (6), Biotechnology (7) , and Waste Management ( 5) , Resources (4), Habitat (5) , Health and Nutrition (2) , Social Transformation (4), and Outreach (5).

TERI’s Solutions for Sustainable Development is a set of 60 solutions. This is an effort to communicate the lessons learned by TERI during its consistent journey for last 50 years. TERI is an environmentally conscious Think Tank Organisation which believes in identifying solutions to the given problem through scientific assessment, creating evidence for policy making, demonstration of models, development of technologies and tools for ground level implementation. These solutions are for every stakeholder who wants to contribute for sustainable development. The solutions cater to individual family level actions to corporates and governments to tackle climate change impacts, mitigate air, soil and water pollution, effectively manage waste, cater to urban needs of smart buildings and low carbon development pathways, sustainable agriculture technologies, biodiversity conservation, Nature Based Solutions for climate change adaptation and resilience, augmenting carbon credits, empowering women for livelihood, Corporate Social Responsibility models, and finally education and awareness of all stakeholders.