Using mega-events to promote sustainable cities in developing countries: The IBSA countries experience

03 Jan 2011 06 Nov 2011
The most important issue for developing and emerging countries is not hosting of successful mega-events, but rather about social, economic (including fiscal) and environmental sustainability implications, especially in cities, and how sustainability in city (and country) could be supported by such events. The project on sustainable development and mega-events is a multi-developing-country project that is supported by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Germany). The three participating developing country cities are Delhi (India), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Cape Town (South Africa). Researchers from The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) studied and analysed the case of Commonwealth Games (CWG) that was hosted in the Delhi in 2010. The study contributed to the learning curve of the topic of mega-events and sustainable development in developing countries. A manual documenting the experiences of South Africa, India and Brazil was launched in a side event during the COP17 in Durban on 8th December 2011.