UI-ASSIST (US-India collAborative for smart diStribution System wIth Storage)

UI-ASSIST project, funded by Department of Energy (DoE) on US side, and Department of Science and Technology (DST) through Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF) on India side under the Joint Clean Energy Research and Development Center (JCERDC), addresses key issues related to the adoption and deployment of active distribution networks, integrating distributed energy resources including Battery Energy Storage in the network. The consortium in India comprising 15 organizations, including 5 IITs, TERI, NTPC NETRA, Utilities, Industries and an NGO is led by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur. The 16-member consortium from US was led by Washington State University (WSU), Pullman, WA including MIT, TAMU, three DOE labs, industries, and utilities. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in association with partner utility (BSES Rajdhani Power Limited-BRPL) implemented battery energy storage system (BESS) at three locations in the license area of BRPL in NCT of Delhi. The project was funded by Department of Science Technology (DST), Government of India (GoI) under ‘US-India Collaborative for Smart Distribution System with Storage (UI-ASSIST)’.
Total commutative capacity of BESS at the three locations is 410 kWh and use-cases of overload management of 990 kVA, 11/0.415kV distribution transformer, energy arbitrage, back-up power support for critical loads in lieu of DG supply, Virtual Power Plan (VPP). The BESS is having functionality of remote monitoring from TERI HQ and monitoring plus control by BRPL SCADA Centre.
Link to UI-ASSIST Compendium report - https://uiassist.org/media/reports/UI-ASSIST_Compendium.pdf
DSO White Paper link - ‘Transforming the Indian Power Sector - Distribution System Operators (DSOs): Need Frameworks, and Regulatory Considerations,’