TERI's Biofuel Conference on Biofuels 2012 - Vision to Reality

22 Jun 2005 30 Apr 2006
TERI proposes to organize an international conference on biofuels in October-November 2005, in partnership with the Ministry of Rural Development (the nodal ministry of the Government of India) for the Jatropha biodiesel programme. The conference proposes to finalize the road map for achieving the set goals in the biofuels (biodiesel and bioethanol) sector. Biofuels are recognized as a major player for ensuring energy security in the future of India. Recent developments have made these green fuels economically interesting, in view of the resource potential and the possibility of improving the environmental performance, along with employment generation and empowerment of the rural economy. For transforming this vision into reality, it is essential to formulate a road map - 2012 for achieving the goals. Therefore, an analysis of the existing challenges in the biofuels sector in India, strengths, infrastructure required, and the gaps are essential. This will enable biofuels to be a major energy source in our country by 2012. The need to quickly forge ahead is very urgent because the time necessary to execute large-scale use of biofuel technologies may itself be a time-consuming process. The urgent need to proceed and positive benefits of the role of biofuels in meeting our energy needs serve as the drivers for organizing this conference Biofuels - 2012 Vision to Reality. The conference will also host an industrial exhibition on biofuels. The event will explore and debate from an Indian perspective, the technical, economic, land-use, research, and policy/regulatory implications of developing and promoting biofuels sector in India.