Sensitization, Education and Awareness on Recycling for a Cleaner Habitat

15 Jun 2011 21 Jun 2012

Project SEARCH aims at instilling good waste management practices amongst students and teachers and through them to the larger school community. It focuses on the core issue of ‘waste’ and creates interlinkages with the current patterns of lifestyle and consumption.

The project started in 2009 with 60 schools in Delhi and Bangalore reaching out to approximately 25,000 students. In second year, TERI targeted 100 schools in Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Chandigarh. Outreach in terms of number of students rose to 120000 students.

In phase III, this project has claimed an International status by moving the operation to Bangladesh along with 6 Indian cities (Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai and Chandigarh).

Executive summary
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