Policy and regulatory issues in the context of large-scale grid integration of renewable energy in Gujarat

02 Sep 2011 30 Apr 2013

Large-scale grid integration of RE (renewable energy) power brings in a number of issues pertaining to policy, technical and regulatory in nature especially in case of intermittent sources like wind and solar. Generation mix in a grid should be such that it not only follows the load pattern but also responds to the sudden load changes. Increased share of intermittent power poses difficulty in grid operation. Further sudden changes in power flow in EHT transmission lines could also happen. Problem of voltage instability increases necessitating provision of adequate regulating and compensating devices at strategic locations.

This project aims to to identify issues that are likely to emerge in the context of large-scale grid integration of RE sources in teh state of Gujarat, and suggest measures to ensure quality, stability, and smooth operation of the grid. The objective will be achieved through following activities.

1. Review of grid development plan, policies and regulations;

2. Stakeholder interaction;

3. Analysis on the issues that are likely to come up corresponding to different scenarios of development in a 10 year time horizon and possible policy and regulatory interventions needed;

4. The key findings and issues identified will be discussed in an open workshop, where all stakeholders including a few public representatives will also be invited. A final report incorporating the suggestions received during the workshop will be prepared thereafter;

5. A policy paper detailing out policy and regulatory interventions required to achieve large - scale integration of RE in to grid, will be prepared for submission to the Government of Gujarat.

Project Report
Executive summary
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