Online Entrepreneurship Development Programme (WEDP&TEDP)

Entrepreneurship Development Programmes are the need of the hour and essential to deal with the prevalent unemployment issue arising in India, especially after COVID-19. Currently, in India, the need for an entrepreneurship program is more potent than ever. Entrepreneurship can actualize the potential of budding minds and boost the economy manifold.
TERI Knowledge Resource Centre is regulary organising Women Enterpruenership Development Programe (WEDP) and Technology based Entrepreneurship Development Prgoramme (TEDP) with the support of The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India with following objectives:
- EDP is a structured training programme of 4-5-weeks designed to:
- Develop entrepreneurial abilities among the science and technical graduates and diploma holders.
- To promote small enterprise by tapping the latent talents of potential entrepreneurs through training.
- to motivate an individual to select entrepreneurship as a career and prepare the person to exploit the market opportunities for their own business successfully.