Joining hands for a better world: A TERI-JUSCO initiative

01 Oct 2013 25 May 2015

Schoolchildren stay well informed about the importance of energy and its conservation through sources such as books, magazines, television and field visits. However, many of them remain unaware of how they can contribute to the initiative of conservation of resources. Awareness is the key factor to take action, as it provides schoolchildren information which is necessary to ensure their participation in resource conservation.

We at TERI believe that schoolchildren are the most vibrant and dynamic segment of the country’s population, and constitute potentially its most valuable human resource. To optimally tap their constructive and creative energies, TERI will be launching a six month project, ‘Joining hands for a better world’ in 10 schools across Jamshedpur and Adityapur in association with the Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited (JUSCO). This project will aspire to help students of classes 6-8 to look towards making the school premises energy-efficient. The project will result in capacity building of the students and thereby reaching out to the entire school and other target groups through a multiplier effect.

Energy conservation
Energy efficiency
Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company Limited
Executive summary
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