Integration of green economy with energy security issues

15 May 2011 15 Jun 2012
The concept of 'green economy' has received significant international attention in the past few years due to the widespread dissatisfaction with the current economic paradigm where material wealth is increasing at the expense of growing environmental risks, wasteful use of resources and widening social disparities. An understanding of the scope and possible benefits of a 'green economy' approach is essential to examine it implications on developing countries like India.

The main objectives of this study are to:

prepare a Concept Note and a Background Paper relating to 'Integration of GESDPE with Energy Security Issues' for the Delhi Ministerial Dialogue;

act as facilitator for the Inter Ministerial Group dealing with subject in order to develop National inputs for Rio+20;

analyse various background papers and resolutions of international meetings relating to Green Economy and analyse positions taken by different countries/groups of countries at international level (G77 + China, EU, US etc.);

provide inputs for inter-ministerial consultations during the negotiation process on the draft negotiating text of Rio+20.