GREEN Olympiad 2022

Initiated in 1999, GREEN Olympiad is one of the leading flagship programs of TERI. It is designed in an innovative manner so as to test knowledge levels of students about environment and sustainable development issues. Genesis of GREEN Olympiad (GO) rests on a vision that awareness about sustainable development issues will provide an empowered youth stewardship for our planet. GREEN Olympiad enriches interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and eco- values necessary for achieving sustainable development. Information gained through participation in this Olympiad is translated into environment improvement activities at the school level. Over the last 2 decades, GO for schools has evolved as an asset of immense academic potential.
In the year 2020, GO4Youth was launched for colleges. It is also annual MCQ based examination for undergraduate and postgraduate students that evaluates environment consciousness, behaviour and aptitude of an individual. The examination strives to enhance knowledge of students in fields of science, technology, policy, economics and social aspects of environment, through a case study and thematic based question paper.
GREEN Olympiad receives national and international participation from school and college students. The ultimate goal is to create an 'Environment Conscious Youth Network' facilitating achievement of the Global Agenda by 2030. For more information and registration, log on to