Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform in India: Cash transfers for PDS kerosene and domestic LPG

07 Nov 2011 13 Apr 2012
The objective of this assignment is to research and prepare an easy-to-read Citizens' Guide outlining the nature, costs and benefits of fossil-fuel subsidies in India.

The research will be based on available literature and information sources. The research will include an overview of India’s energy subsidies, including oil products, natural gas, electricity and coal (if relevant); it will outline the main beneficiaries of these subsidies; and highlight the impacts of the subsidies for the government’s fiscal balance, the national economy, the local environment and global climate change, and for poverty. The research will also outline what plans (if any) the government has to reform subsidies, who would be the winners and losers of subsidy reform and, based on international best practice, what policies can be used to support low-income groups adjust to energy price changes.