ETSAP-TERI Joint Workshop on Energy Modeling Tools & Techniques to Address Sustainable Development & Climate Change

15 Nov 2009 31 Mar 2010
TERI and IEA-ETSAP are jointly organizing a workshop on Energy Modeling Tools & Techniques to address Sustainable Development & Climate Change on 21st – 22nd January 2010 at, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, India.

This workshop aims to bring together energy modelers from across the world to share their recent research work and use of innovative modelling tools and techniques to address key issues related to sustainable development, climate change, and energy policy.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to interact with leading researchers and experts in the field of energy modelling and policy analysis and is intended to cover the following broad topics:

· Sustainable Development & Climate Change Challenges - Developing Country Perspectives

· Modeling New Emerging Technologies in the Long Term

· Mitigation & Co-benefits Analysis

· Sustainable Cities & Habitats: Integrating Local Level Concerns in Planning