Dialogue for Sustainable Management of Trans-boundary Water Regimes in South Asia: A Bangladesh-India Initiative

15 Nov 2010 13 Aug 2011
IUCN intends to facilitate multi-stakeholder mechanisms that will promote a better understanding food, livelihood, and climate change concerns related to the water regimes of India and Bangladesh. The studies and discussions are amied to contribute to the development of a dynamic hub for scientific information and knolwedge pertaining to water and peoples of the riparian areas of the region.

The following themes have been identified for the dialogues under the project: (1) Food security, water productivity, and poverty; (2) Biodiversity conservation; (3) Environmental security; (4) Impacts of climate change; (5) Trans-boundary inland navigation.

The purpose of this project is to develop a situation analysis study on key issues on impacts of climate change in India in relation to trans-boundary water regimes.