Developing the Environmental Status Report of Navi Mumbai 2015-16

25 May 2016 30 Jun 2016

ESR (Environmental Status Report) is regarded as a significant tool in decision making in the context of urban development. The ESR indicates the status of environmental management in the city as it documents the qualitative as well as quantitative status of resources like water resources, air quality, land resource, civic infrastructure, amenities and identifies the areas where further need interventions for improvement. Since the ESRs are prepared as per the DPSIR (Driving forces - Pressures - Status - Impacts - Response) framework, it acts as reference document for the allocation of planning and budgeting of the municipal activities. This technical compilation comprehensively documents the changes in the environment, the initiatives taken to address these concerns, and an estimate of the budgetary allocations and expenses for the infrastructural facilities in the city.

City infrastructure
Environment quality
Air quality
Land resources
Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation