Consulting Services for valuation of ecosystem services (wealth accounting and assessment of payment for ecosystem services)

Consulting Services for the Valuation of Ecosystem Services (Wealth Accounting) and Assessment of Payment for Ecosystem Services
-Devising a methodological approach for compiling forest accounts for Bangladesh that are aligned to the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Central Framework (SEAA CF) and compliments the standard national accounts of the country.
-Compilation of Natural Capital Accounts for the Forests and Protected Areas of Bangladesh.
-Application of the developed framework to perform a detailed ecosystem services valuation in Teknaf Wildlife Sanctuary (TWS), Modhupur National Park (MNP), and Ramgarh-Sitakunda Reserve Forest (RSRF).
-Undertake scoping assessment/ feasibility study for setting up the Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme in the RSRF.
-Training and capacity building of the Bangladesh Forest Department on Ecosystem Services Valuation.