Capacity building for the state regulators and policy makers in mainstreaming of RETs in a reformed electricity sector.

25 Jun 2005 21 Aug 2006

To apprise and train the regulators and policy makers in Andhra Pradesh, about the international instruments like German Feed-in Tariff; Renewable Tax Credit (RTC) and Renewable Energy Obligation (REO). The project activities would include:
Investigate barriers to the renewables based electricity supply.
Analyse policies that influence the renewables based electricity sector including the Electricity Act 2003.
Analyse the international instruments/policies and the underlying principles that drive them.
Develop the policy framework for mainstreaming the renewables based electricity.
Analyse key dimensions of `Renewable Portfolio Standards' taking in to consideration, the availability of renewable resource(s) in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Preparation of framework document and study material, including a case study on a renewable energy project in AP.
Organise a conference focusing on 'Renewables and regulatory issues' covering the Indian and European experiences and key learnings.
Conduct a training-cum-awareness workshop for the regulators and policy makers in Andhra Pradesh.

Project Report
Executive summary
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