Achieving Non-Fossil Target of India: Evolution of the Ecosystem

23 Nov 2023


2023 is the year of the first Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever larger, all countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to their development status. But ambitious targets are not sufficient on their own. Policies need to be implemented to keep the 2023 targets within reach. Climate Transparency’s new Climate Policy Implementation Check is formulated to evaluate and categorize the implementation progress of policy tools across four dimensions: legal status, institutions and governance, resourcing, and oversight. Supported by the European Union (EU) under the EU Climate Dialogues Project, the India report introduces the Implementation Check by assessing the evolving policy ecosystem in India aimed at achieving the non-fossil energy target. In this assessment, three policy interventions, namely the National Solar Mission, Green Hydrogen Mission, and Domestic Carbon Market are appraised, and based on the evaluation, the combined ambition rating for India's framework to attain its non-fossil energy targets is determined as high.




Carbon market
Hydrogen economy
Solar energy