Dr Syed Arif Wali

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Dr Syed Arif Wali
Associate Director, Centre for Sustainable Land Management

Dr Syed Arif Wali works as Senior Fellow and Associate Director of the Centre for Sustainable Land Management area of Land Resources Division that undertakes research in the climate change field. He holds a doctoral degree in Botany from AMU, Aligarh. His 16 years of applied research experience encompasses forest management, climate change issues such as A/R- CDM, REDD +, community-based natural resource management and poverty alleviation through training, capacity building and income-generating activities. He has published several papers on related issues.

He has been extensively involved in forest-based carbon finance project (A/R CDM) in Uttar Pradesh as Principal Investigator (PI). The significant contribution is that 10 Project Document Design (PDD) has already been registered by UNFCCC for issuance of CERs to the community. He has worked in Guyana, South America for creating appropriate Institutional Environment and Capacity for Sustainable Management of Forests, Eco-restoration of mined lands and the Establishment of an International Centre for Biodiversity Research in Guyana under the MoU for Low Carbon Development Strategy signed between the Government of Guyana and TERI.

Email: syed@teri.res.in