Dr Shyam Sundar Sharma, Fellow and Area Convenor of the Micropropagation Technology Park, has over 10 years of research experience in the field of plant molecular biology. He is agricultural biotechnologist and used AFLP, ISSR, microsatellites markers and recently GBS markers in different crop plants for genetic diversity assessment, development of core germplasm, population structure, molecular mapping and marker-assisted breeding.
Dr Sharma is also the in-charge of MTP (Micropropagation Technology Park) for commercial production of in vitro generated plants of Banana and strawberry and developing protocols for future mandate fruit crops. He has more than 15 research articles to his credit in peer reviewed journals. Dr Sharma has completed his PhD from TERI University, New Delhi in year 2015 on molecular characterization of Pongamia pinnata to identify high yielding genotypes with high oil content for generation of high quality planting stock.