Dr Sanjukta Subudhi is a microbiologist and working as Senior Fellow and Associate Director of Microbial Biofuels & Biochemicals area of Advanced Biofuels Division at TERI. She has obtained PhD in molecular microbiology from University of Delhi, Delhi, India and perused her postdoctoral research in algal biotechnology from National Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), National Agency for Science and Technology Development (NSTDA), Bangkok, Thailand. Dr. Subudhi worked as a faculty scientist (2004-2008) at Pilot Plant Development Technology Research Institute (PDTI), King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand until she joined TERI in 2008.
Research explorations of her group span the domain of; microbial production of clean fuel (bio-hydrogen bio-methane, bio-butanol from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation feed stocks) and green chemicals (2,3 Butane Diol, lactic acid, lipase, bioflucculant, carotenoids, PUFA, Pre and probiotics). She had the opportunity to work in several bilateral and multilateral collaborative research projects. She has over 100 research publications, conference papers, and proceedings to her name, which includes 51 high impact factor peer-reviewed international publications (with RG score of 29.99 and 1112 citations, h-index, 19, I10 index, 25), five patents, and four book chapters. Major research achievements include biohydrogen and bioethanol production from 1st and next generation feed, biomethane from organic matter, microbial production of 2,3 Butane Diol and its downstream purification, algal production of value added biopigments.
She is the member of several professional bodies. She is the guest editor for peer reviewed international journals: Biofpr (Biofuels Bioproducts and Biorefining) – special issue 'Biorefineries for waste biomass towards sustainable Bioeconomy' (John Wiley & Sons Ltd) and Biomass conversion and Biorefinery special issue on ''Agro-Food Waste as a Resource for High Value Products' (Springer) and Editor for the book on 'BIOHYDROGEN FUEL: RECENT INSIGHTS AND MODELLING: APPROACH IN THEMOCHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TRACK'' (Apple Academic Press, CRC Press Taylor and Francis group, in press).
Dr Subudhi has worked in several bilateral and multilateral collaborative research projects with overseas research institutions: Michigan State University, U.S; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ, Leipzig, Germany); Korea Maritime and Ocean University (Busan, South Korea); Queensland University (Brisbane, Australia); Curtin University; University of South Australia (Perth, Australia), Saitama University, (Tokyo, Japan); Feng Chia University (Taichung, Taiwan); Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, University of York, (York, UK); Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki & Tampere University, Tampere, (Finland).
Email: ssubudhi@teri.res.in