Press Release

Youth vouch for 'green growth' at TERI's 5th YUVA Meet

28 Jan 2013

Recognising the role of young minds in shaping the global environmental agenda, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, TETRA Pak, RCE, British Council and other partners successfully launched the two-day YUVA Meet 2013 today on the theme, “Green Growth-Preparing Youth for Sustainable Living.” Held as a special event of the upcoming Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS) 2013, the 5th YUVA (Youth Unite for Voluntary Action) Meet seeks to encourage young individuals to contribute their bit for a sustainable future.

Shri Jaipal Reddy, Hon'ble Minister of Science, Technology & Earch Sciences Hails Teri's Mycorrhizal Technology "A MIRACLE OF SCIENCE"

07 Jan 2013

Shri Reddy inaugurated Asia’s maiden International Conference on Mycorrhiza, ICOM 7 organized by TERI, themed “Mycorrhiza for All: An Under-Earth Revolution”. The five-day conference aims to explore ways to minimise the usage of chemical fertilisers on soil, while covering various aspects of mycorrhizal symbioses. He also launched the seed coating technology which is an extension of the mass production technology of mycorrhiza that was launched in the year 1999 and licensed to many industries in India and in North America.

TERI opens Nordic Centre at University of Eastern Finland

07 Dec 2012

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) inaugurated its Nordic office at the Joensuu campus of the University of Eastern Finland earlier this week. Present at the ceremony were the Indian Ambassador to Finland, H.E. Ambassador Manickam; Dr. R. K. Pachauri, Director General of TERI; Director of the University Board, Dr. Elli Aaltonen; Director of the Finnish Forest Development Centre TAPIO, Dr. Ritva Toivonen; University Rector, Dr. Perttu Vartiainen; and Prof. Liisa Tahvanainen. Attending via video were Dr. Tarja Cronberg, Member of the European Parliament, and Dr.

Myanmar's pro-democracy icon hails TERI's eco-friendly innovations

15 Nov 2012

Myanmar's pro-democracy crusader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi underscored the need to protect natural resources from the adverse impacts of urbanisation during her maiden visit to The Energy and Resources Institute's (TERI) campus here today.

'UNESCO Chair' launched at TERI University

09 Nov 2012

In a landmark announcement, United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization (UNESCO) today officially launched the UNESCO Chair on "Climate Science and Policy" at TERI University. It aims at promoting knowledge dissemination, technology development, transfer, and information sharing on climate science and on related policy issues.

Indian Railways project bags green rating for reducing energy & resource footprint

30 Oct 2012

Recognising the project's efforts towards reducing energy and resource footprint, The Association for Development and Research for Sustainable Habitats (ADaRSH) awarded the coveted GRIHA-Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment-certificate to the Indian Railways' Secunderabad-based Rail Nirman Nilayam project in New Delhi today.

TERI launches easy-to-use assessment tool to predict energy performance in new residential projects.

14 Sep 2012

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in association with KfW the German Federal Bank, National Housing Bank (NHB) and Fraunhofer IBP, today launched the IT Toolkit: Resbuild India under the aegis of 'Promotional programme for energy efficiency in new residential buildings' . It is one of its kind major program in India focused on bringing energy efficiency in the untapped huge residential sector.

Ethical business leadership crucial for sustainable growth, says India’s Corporate Affairs Minister

22 Aug 2012

Seeking to generate debate on sustainable development, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) hosted the 11th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture on “Sustainable Futures: Imperatives for Managing the Social Agenda” in New Delhi today

TERI launches book on “DSM Action Plan of Tamil Nadu”

30 Jul 2012

Energy Efficiency is seen an important instrument in meeting growing challenges of the energy scenario of India and the world. In this context The Energy and Resource Institute brought out this book on DSM Action Plan for Tamil Nadu based on a study carried out with financial support from Shakti Foundation.

TERI Launches Book on "Protected Animals of India"

25 Jun 2012

Rapid socio-economic changes in the India are having profound impacts across forestry and wildlife. Keeping this in view, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) today organised a panel discussion on 'India's Wildlife Scenario: Issues and Impacts'. The panel discussion on “India’s Wildlife Scenario: Issues and Impacts”, highlighted the importance of India’s rich wildlife with its exclusive, fascinating and diverse ecosystem. Today societal transformations are changing people’s perceptions of forests.