Press Release

TERI and UTC set up Center of Excellence to Focus on Energy Efficient Buildings in India

01 Oct 2014

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and United Technologies Corp (UTC) today announced the formation of the United Technologies -TERI Center of Excellence on Energy Efficient Buildings in India's Cities. The newly-created Center of Excellence will address energy diagnostics and evaluation of energy efficiency in existing buildings in India.

5thUS-India Energy Summit charts out roadmap for enhanced strategic partnership

01 Oct 2014

Dr Ernest Moniz, United States Secretary of Energy, said "the enhanced strategic partnership" announced by President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi marks a major development in the collaboration between the two countries in energy and sustainable development.

US-India Energy Summit takes lead in developing ideas, actions to implement US-India strategic energy partnership

01 Oct 2014

With President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing an enhanced strategic partnership on energy and climate change, the leaders at the 5th US-India Energy Partnership Summit held here today discussed how to make it a reality.

5th US-India Energy Partnership Summit focuses on new avenues for cooperation

30 Sep 2014

The 5th US-India Energy Partnership Summit got underway today with an emphasis to finance clean energy projects and on cooperation between the private sector and government, even as business and policy leaders from both countries discussed avenues for increasing cooperation. Organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Yale University, the Summit focused on pathways to accelerate the growth and development of sustainable energy partnerships.

Effective policy implementation and awareness-raising ensure clean energy transition in rural India

29 Sep 2014

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in association with the Norwegian Embassy today released the findings of a study titled 'Analyzing Rural Energy Transition and Inequities'. The study aims to develop a micro-economic framework to analyse various aspects of energy supply, and their use in rural areas across various agro-climatic regions.

Develop and monitor standards in clean Off Grid lighting: Top experts

18 Sep 2014

The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in collaboration with Electric Lamp and Component Manufacturers' Association of India (ELCOMA) organized a workshop titled, 'Quality assurance of lighting products and importance of laboratories' on the sidelines of 'Lighting India 2014, an exhibition featuring green lighting technology,' held today in New Delhi.

Bengaluru needs sustainable solutions to become a Smart City

16 Sep 2014

Sustainable development is the key to the growth and development of urban habitats, said participants at a Regional Dialogue held in the city today. Organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), the Dialogue was held as part of a series, and the first in Bengaluru, in the run up to the Delhi Sustainable Development Summit 2015. The Dialogue comes in the wake of the NDA government announcing 100 Smart Cities for India.

Waive taxes and provide microfinance to promote cycle ownership in India, says TERI’s new report

27 Aug 2014

The Government should waive taxes on cycles that cost less than Rs 5,000 to promote cycle ownership in the country, says a new study. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in association with the 'All India Cycle Manufacturers' Association' launched the report, "Pedalling towards a Greener India: A report on promoting Cycling in the country" at an event in New Delhi today. It is a detailed study on cycling and the cycle industry in India.

Foundation Day Lecture reveals more evidence of climate change with Sun's atmospherics

21 Aug 2014

The Sun influences the Earth’s climate, and during the last century there has been a gradual warming of the atmosphere related to human activity. The present solar models predict that the early Sun was about 30 per cent fainter than it is now. In about three billion years, the outer atmosphere of the Sun will begin to swell so much that our own atmosphere will heat up. Eventually the Sun’s outer layers will envelop Mercury, Venus and probably our planet as well, said Dr Siraj Hasan, Distinguished Professor and Former Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics.

IPCC presents its Fifth Assessment Report, with a focus on implications for South Asia

06 Aug 2014

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented the findings of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) to governments, civil society, the scientific community, media and other stakeholders at an outreach event held today in New Delhi.