Press Release

Treatment of river catchments, agroforestry, sustainable agriculture key to addressing land degradation in India

12 Sep 2019

At a side event of the UNCCD-COP organized by TERI, experts discuss solutions for restoring land

TERI develops innovative technology for end-to-end treatment of wastewater

11 Sep 2019

TERI Advanced Oxidation Technology (TADOX) offers clean, green, sludge-free, cost-effective and resource-efficient treatment of wastewater streams, enabling Zero Liquid Discharge and enhancing water re-use efficiency

September 11, 2019, New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and Perfact Group have ventured into a collaboration to promote TERI's patent-pending technology, TERI Advanced Oxidation Technology (TADOX) for comprehensive treatment of wastewater.

'Good' air days are increasing, need people's participation for clean air: Prakash Javadekar

06 Sep 2019

At a two-day roundtable consultation co-organised by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and AirQualityAsia (AQA), TERI presented recommendations to strengthen National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)

Integrate livelihood with environmental protection activities to move towards a green economy, say experts

26 Aug 2019

Government officials, business representatives and experts from eastern and north-eastern states and the United Nations discussed sustainability issues at a consultative workshop held by TERI in Kolkata

Kolkata, August 26: Experts at the eastern regional consultative workshop on Inclusive Green Economies, held in the city on Friday, highlighted the need to integrate livelihood concerns in all economic and environmental protection activities.

Employment vulnerability in mind, experts stress equity in India's push for a green economy

21 Aug 2019

A national consultative workshop for transitions to an inclusive green economy was held at TERI in New Delhi

Prioritise solar PV manufacturing value chain as a strategic industry: TERI

08 Aug 2019

At the launch of its policy paper in New Delhi, TERI recommended development of 15 GW full value chain solar manufacturing capacity in India by 2024

New Delhi, August 8: In keeping with India's solar targets and the vision of Make in India, the country should take up full value chain of solar manufacturing from polysilicon to modules, according to the recommendations of a policy paper released by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in New Delhi on Wednesday.

India soon to set voluntary targets to combat land degradation

05 Aug 2019

The country gears up to host 14th COP of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

New Delhi, August 05, 2019: The analysis of remotely sensed data by ISRO reveals that 96.40 million hectares or 29.32% of the Total Geographic Area (TGA) of the country faces the threat of land degradation during 2011-13. It shows a cumulative increase of 1.87 million hectares of area is undergoing process of desertification or land degradation in India between 2003-05 and 2011-13.

TERI and Cadmus launch Project I-SMART to accelerate rooftop solar installations

19 Jul 2019

The initiative aims to aggregate demand for 1,000 MW rooftop solar systems across four states and two UTs including Uttarakhand

Dehradun, July 19, 2019: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and US-based CADMUS group launched the Indian Solar Market Aggregation for Rooftops (I-SMART) program today in Dehradun, Uttarakhand at the workshop held to promote Rooftop Solar Power Plants.

TERI and USDMA organised a workshop for disaster risk reduction in buildings

18 Jul 2019

July 18, 2019, Dehradun: Uttarakhand State Disaster Management Authority (USDMA), in collaboration with The World Bank and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), organised a workshop in Uttarakhand on "India Building Regulatory Capacity Assessment Workshop for Disaster Risk Reduction in Buildings".

Green economy to create additional jobs, developmental benefits

18 Jul 2019

Five UN agencies are partnering with India to set up an action plan for a greener and more inclusive growth trajectory for the country

Goa, July 18: We need to focus on the 'Future We Should Have' rather than 'The Future We Want', CK Mishra, Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), said in Panaji on Monday. He was speaking at a two-day regional consultative workshop on inclusive green economies under the Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) India initiative in Panjim on Monday.