Press Release

Hill districts of Uttarakhand facing greater warming; will accelerate forced migration of local communities

25 Mar 2021

A new study suggests Uttarakhand's annual average maximum temperature may increase by 1.6-1.9 degrees Celsius between 2021-2050, calls for creating alternate livelihood options in the hill districts to revitalize the economy

Net zero emissions in India's energy system by 2050 technologically possible but highly challenging

23 Mar 2021

A recent modelling report jointly undertaken by TERI and Shell maps out an illustrative technological pathway for India's domestic energy system to move towards net-zero emissions by 2050, while delivering sustainable economic growth.

Strengthen data monitoring and reporting to showcase India's progress in achieving sustainable consumption and production: TERI and UNEP

02 Mar 2021

- The observations were made in a draft study presented by TERI at the Roundtable Dialogue on Responsible Consumption and Production conducted under a collaborative initiative by UNEP, SWITCH-Asia, and TERI

- The report especially recommends reporting on groundwater among natural resources

Increasing share of variable renewables in total energy generation mix is cost effective for India even in the short-term: TERI

23 Feb 2021

Greater renewable deployment is not only desirable, but can also be cost-effective, according to the report

New Delhi, February 23: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) released a report on 'A Model-Based Assessment of Variable Renewable Grid Integration Costs in India' today. The report provides a technological and economic analysis of the costs of integrating renewable energy (RE) into the Indian electricity grid.

RE is the cheapest source of electricity when available. However, it does introduce other costs into the system.

GSI-TERI sign MoU to optimise resources, add thermal-visual comfort in buildings

23 Feb 2021

TERI is committed to provide expert technical assistance to GSI, to develop performance evaluation procedures for glazing materials and standardise benchmarking protocols.

TERI and POSOCO Ltd sign MoU to strengthen research-industry interaction for knowledge sharing and capacity building in power sector

22 Feb 2021

New Delhi, Feb 22: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) and the Power System Operation Corporation (POSOCO) Limited today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the TERI office in New Delhi.

With this MoU, the two organisations have agreed to work together to strengthen research-industry interaction for knowledge sharing and capacity building through collaboration, and to encourage research on issues related to the Indian power sector.

Indian business leaders affirm proactive action for zero carbon emissions

12 Feb 2021

- Progressive Indian businesses are the key to the country's transition towards low carbon development

- Businesses play a vital role in understanding opportunities and challenges, parallelly mobilizing resources and offering result driven solutions

WSDS 2021 closes with a promise to achieve a common goal of green growth, and net-zero by 2050

12 Feb 2021

- India will be vital for the success of COP26, UK is committed to work with countries that are vulnerable to climate change: Rt Hon. Alok Sharma MP, COP26 President-Designate

- We stand at a pivotal moment in the fight for the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis. Hope we can increase the sense of urgency as far as biodiversity is concerned: Frans Timmermans, Executive VP of European Commission responsible for European Green Deal

एक सूर्य, एक दुनिया और एक ग्रिड - भविष्य की तैयारी के लिए ज़रूरी

11 Feb 2021

नई दिल्ली, 11 फरवरी, 2021: वर्ल्ड सस्टेनेबल डेवलपमेंट समिट के दूसरे दिन आयोजित हुई मुख्य इवेंट में लॉर्ड अडैर टर्नर, चेयर, एनर्जी ट्रांसिशन्स कमीशन, ने कहा," भारत और पूरी दुनिया में अक्षय ऊर्जा की क्षमता बढ़ाने और उसे स्थापित करने के लिहाज से बहुत तेज़ प्रगति हुई है। देश और कंपनियां नेट जीरो की तरफ कदम बढ़ रहे हैं। विकसित देशों ने 2050 तक नेट जीरो होने की तरफ अपनी प्रतिबद्धता ज़ाहिर की है और विकाशील देशों ने 2060 ये सब दिखाता है कि हमे जीरो कार्बन इकॉनमी कैसे विकसित करनी है।"

"We have to come to Glasgow with no excuses; it's the last best chance to get to net zero", President Biden's Envoy, John Kerry says

11 Feb 2021

- India is on the path of growth, and this growth needs to be as green as possible

- Aside from rapid adoption of technologies to combat climate change, green growth also calls for certain alternate measures like resource efficiency and effective waste management